Friday, October 1, 2010

This is what Honor is!

Centuries ago, honor meant standing up and fighting for what was right no matter the cost.

Honor meant openly defying tyrannical oppression and defending, sometimes violently, the cause of righteousness and truth despite the oppression that
vehemently came their way.

Honor meant being willing to confront someone, unafraid of consequences, because that person was harming someone innocent.

That is honor.

Religion today teaches that "honor" is just blind, dumb submission that doesn't ask questions.

Religion today teaches that "honor" is obedience to what man says, ignoring what God has already said.

Religion today teaches that "honor" is not correcting anybody, not standing up and saying that certain messages or teachings are wrong, all for the sake of "love" and "unity".

I would propose to you all that is all a lie from the pit of hell.

The Bible calls that "fear of man", "people pleasing", "ear tickling", and "flattery".

HONOR is to do to others what you would have them do to you.
HONOR is to fight for what is RIGHT, and GOOD, and TRUE despite the cost and despite all of the slanderous accusations and lies that will be railed at you for doing so.

"He has honor if he holds himself to a [righteous] ideal of conduct thought it is inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so." - Walter Lippman

"Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong." - Thomas Jefferson

I would add that it is not honoring to sit idly by when you know that something is being spread or taught that is not in alignment with the teachings of Christ.

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." - Edward Burke

It IS honoring to ask questions. It IS honoring to confront error. It IS honoring and it IS loving to stand up for Truth because that is precisely what Jesus and the apostles and so many martyrs throughout the ages have done and they have given their last breath to stand for righteousness and the finished work of the cross.

How "honoring" were the apostles in Acts 4:18-20 and Acts 5:29 when they boldly and brazenly refused to "submit to leadership" or "honor the leaders"?

How "honoring" was Jesus when He called the leaders of His day "sons of the devil" for how much man-made tradition they were teaching and loading down God's people with?

How "honoring" was Paul when he said if anybody taught a gospel contrary to the one he taught, that they should be eternally condemned? (Gal. 1:1-10)

"The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind,To set at liberty those who are oppressed;To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” - Luke 4:18-19

Honor is setting the oppressed free and bringing good news to those who have been downtrodden and heavy-laden.

THAT is honor.

Anything less falls miserably short of what God ever designed "honor" to be.

~Ryan James Rhodes~

Setting the Captives FREE!

The tires of the old beat pick up truck scrunched gravel as he turned off the highway onto the gravel road. It had been a long time since Dennis had seen his brother. He looked down at the fuzzy green numbers on the dashboard. 11:32 it was later then he had expected to arrive. The events of the day went through his head. Missing his alarm waking up to realize he was already late, the flat tire, and the heavy traffic had all accounted for his very late arrival. He rubbed his fine scratchy beard and then wiped his tired eyes. He blinked and look back at the road. Screech his tires churned up gravel as he braked hard to let four deer run across the road. They didn’t have that in the city. He pressed the gas and continued onward.

He was supposed to have arrived at 5:00 this would be a hard one to explain to his brother. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot. It had been 3 years since he had seen or even talked to his brother. 2 years he had been serviced in the army and now he was back but for a whole year he had been back and not even done so much as even call. His mind turned wandered and he breathed in and let out his breathe with a sigh. Almost there. Another left turn. His mind replayed the conversation he had had with his brother only days ago.

“You want me to come and visit?”

"Ya why not? I haven’t seen you in ages it would be great to catch up. Terry and Shyla are so big now I’m sure they would love to see you, and you haven’t even met Zach yet, plus Emily would love to see you again.

“Well in kinda busy you know with work and everything”

“C’mon come check out the new place, the farm we can go for a walk down by the river just you and me it will be like old times back when we were kids. Playing out on the farm”

“Well I guess I could make it down on Saturday spend the night “

“Great, looking forward to seeing you again”

“Ya sure. Cya later bye”


Short and sweet just like Jesse always liked it he never was very good at communicating it’s a wonder he was even married thought Dennis. He replayed the events that had taken place all the way to his brothers wedding, Emily practically chased his down she had done most of the work the only thing Jesse had done was ask one Question Will you marry me. But they were happy and that’s all that mattered.

The GPS chimed in “Arriving at destination on left” he clicked the power button, the only thought that went through his mind was need to change the voice on the GPS so annoying. He slowly pulled up onto the driveway. “So this is the new house” he thought. He looked it over. Two bikes lay in front of the porch a small trailer house surrounded by plenty of land. Dennis was sure the only reason Jesse had ever bought the place was because it reminded him of the farm that they grew up on. He turned the Truck off and slouched back into the drivers seat. He noticed all the lights in the house were on. He asked himself why this late at night would all the nights be on. He shrugged the thought from his memory took a long breathe and pulled the handle and pushed open the door of the truck. He stepped out of the truck and closed the door. He made his way up the front steps of the porch and was about to knock when he noticed that the door was open . Something wasn't right he thought Jesse would never leave his door open.

He thought back to his younger days with his little brother. He had always been a perfectionist. Never leaving anything unchecked. Instantly an alarm went of in Dennis’ mind. He didn’t know why but he felt sick in his stomach. He had always been regarded for his gut instinct back in the army. He hadn't felt like this in a long time. But now the feeling was back. A feeling he hadn’t felt in over a year. He reached up and rubbed his shoulder a bullet wound he had taken on his first assignment when he didn’t canvas an old alley way properly he had paid for it with a bullet one that had very nearly taken his life. It only had ever flared up when something felt really out of place when something was terribly wrong.


Dennis jumped his heart raced as this gruff hoarse voice pierced the quiet night


He didn’t recognize the voice but he did recognize the voice that fallowed

“I don’t know what you talking about” it was his brother, his voice was a little deeper from when he had last heard it

“The blueprints to the safe house, I know you were the one in charge of the project”

“Whaa… I.. I don’t know what you are talking about” he stammered

Instantly Dennis’ army training kicked in, he had to find out what was going on.

“Tell Me NOW!” he heard the voice yell as he booked it around the corner of the house. He saw light coming from one of the windows. Fortunately the blinds were down it would be a little easier to look in and not be seen, He slowly moved closer to the sill of the window and peered though the small opening in the side. The scene that met Dennis’ eyes was one that he had never thought would come to his bothers small house.

A man dressed in completely black held a black .44 magnum. Dennis’ thought quickly processed the capabilities of the Gun. 8-3/8-in. barrel, 5 charge holes for 5 bullets that could pack a hell of a punch 900 ft.-lb of punch. The five pound gun fully loaded capable of blowing a man to pieces. Dennis fallowed the line of the muzzle of the gun found it pointed directly at the head of a younger man. He knew that there was no chance for Jesse, if that gun went off then he was a goner.

“TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE” the man screamed. A baby cried Dennis looked at a young woman with long brown hair. Her face was stained with tears as she tried to comfort the child. That must be Zach crying Dennis thought.


Two kids held onto Emily one on each leg their eyes wide but they were quiet because of fear. Jesse’s shirt was stained with sweat as adrenaline perspired his entire body his light blue shirt was dark around the chest and under the arms.

“I don’t know what your talking about, please… please put the gun down.”

Dennis turned from the window the only thought going through his head was “got to help, got to save them” he ran back to his truck trying to be as quiet as he could. He rounded the corner of the house and slipped on some loose gravel. He landed on his side and groaned as he got up. With bloody hands he pulled on the lever to the door and flung it open. He grappled for the case under the seat. it’s the only gun he had ever kept after being released from the Army and that was because it had saved his life numerous time. He never thought he would never use it again .

He flipped open the snaps and lifted the top of the case. He grabbed the gun and held it in his hand. His fingers closed firmly over the grip of the gun well worn from its use. It felt custom fitted. The M9 Beretta standard army sidearm. Smaller, faster and lighter then any old powerful gun. Semi automatic capable of firing off 15 rounds from its clip in a moments notice. The gun felt familiar in his hand. Dennis didn’t even have to think as he reached for the bullets in the case He grabbed two one to break the window and one to take out the gunman. He quickly discharged the clip and slipped the 2 bullets into the magazine his mind processed what he was going to do. In another smooth motion he shoved the clip up into the gun the familiar click of metal on metal told him the magazine was in and he cocked back the gun and then turned back towards the house.

He stepped quickly careful not to slip on the gravel and rounded the corner of the house. The gunman’s voice broke the silence of the night again.

“Ille give you one last chance tell me what you know or ille shoot the woman”

Dennis made it to the window and saw as the gunman shifted his position the gun now pointed at Emily.

“If you don’t tell me what I want to know then bye bye wifely.” He grinned as he said this like it was sick joke. The man licked his lips

“No no please you can‘t please please please" Jesse Pleaded and fell to his knees


“I don’t know what your talking about I swear“


Dennis could tell things were escalating he quietly lifted his gun and lined up his sights on the gun man.


Dennis breathed in deeply , studied himself, shifted his fingers a little and then put his finger on the trigger


Right before the gunman could get out another word Jesse lunged at the man but his wild antics to save his family were no match for the gunman’s training and technique . The gunman grabbed Jesse right arm with his left and pulled him in, as he did his right arm hooked around his back in in one smooth motion tossed him into the air and flipped him over his back and onto the floor. With the butt end of his handgun he bent down and smacked him on the side of his head cutting open of his forehead. Blood oozed out of the wound on his head. The gunman reached down and grabbed the collar of Jesse’s shirt pulled him up and in a violent move slammed him back onto the floor. His head whipped back and a thud was heard as his head smacked the hardwood floor. The gunman stood up and placed both hands on the handle of his gun and centered the barrel on Jesse’s chest.


The Glass shattered. And flew everywhere as the window exploded. Dennis’ arm stayed tight his breathing stayed calm and his eyes stayed focused on the target

The moment the glass shattered the gun man looked up at the unexpected commotion straight into the eyes of Dennis. Dennis pulled the trigger


The shot was accurate and precise, his years of training had not gone to waste. A drop of blood trickled from the forehead of the gunman. Dennis kept his eyes fixed on the man. He held his gaze for a second. The Gunman swayed like a mighty tree that had just been stuck its final blow and then the man fell forward and his body landed with a resounding THUD

Dennis looked to where the wife and Kids were huddled in the corner he looked at Terry, and Shyla and then at Emily who had Zach tightly clenched in her arms. He smiled and then turned and ran for the front door. He made his way around the corner of the house. Jumped the steps leading up onto the porch pushed through the front door and ran into the living room. Emily had already moved to Where Jesse’s body lay his head was laying in her lap. Shyla had Zach in her arms and terry was clinging closely to Emily. Emily looked up and smiled.

“Thank you” was all she could manage and then she put her hand on his chest which Dennis noticed was rising and falling

“He’s alive”

Dennis got down on his knee’s grabbed his brothers hand and squeezed it tightly. He reached into his pocket grabbed his phone flipped it open and dialled three number. 9 1 1. He put the phone to his ear. Looked at Emily smiled again and said

“Glad I could help”

Friday, August 27, 2010

There are no problems only opportunities ~Dennis~

The level of intimacy you have with the Father is the level of struggle you can walk through in the world
He has a sheep in one hand but a sword in the other he can battle but still make the sheep feel safe and ok

Heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers drive out demons ya ya
I thank you that we always win through you
We are blessed and highly favoured because of who you have made us to be
Thank you for an understanding of who you have created us to be and the mission that you have for us here on this earth
Matthew 6:19 For where your treasure is there will your heart be also

Treasure can be all kind of things
I only live to please him (Christ) so what other people think it doesn’t matter

Where are you going? ~ How are you going to get there?

Genesis 37 Joseph knew he was called to greatness
When your super excited about what God has told you share it with other people who agree with you
After Joseph was sold into slavery this seemed like the farthest he could be from his destiny
Joseph could have been a downer for the rest of his life
But then the lord blessed him
Then Potiphars wife tried to sleep with him he refused
Was thrown into Prison and again pushed form his destiny again
He operated through integrity and then he was put in charge of the Jail

Joseph interpreted the Baker and wine taster dreams (A man of destiny often has insight into others) when you realize you are a man of destiny you have insight into other peoples destinies as well. He asked them when they got out to tell pharaoh about him.

How did Joseph handle disappointment and promotion
How Joseph handled both of these determined how his destiny came about he walked in integrity and character while serving the lord

We have to know our dreams and where we are going our dreams have to be so big no matter where we go everything that come before us has to serve our dream

There are no problems only opportunities ~Dennis~

Don’t let disappointment to rule your life don’t react to life Respond to it. You are in control of your destiny not your circumstances

When you take situation personally you operate out of flesh instead of out your spirit out of your identity out of who you are and situation have to bow to you.

My friendship isn’t based out of what he has done he’s a jerk whatever my friendship is based out of him being made in the image of God just like me.

If you have a core value of no situation is ever to big or I already have already victory over every situation then you’ll be fine

I will never face anything in my life that will not push me closer to my destiny

We abort our dreams sometimes over the fact that we feel uncomfortable in certain situations when in fact the situation we are in is something that is put in front of us to put us closer to our destinies.

Mark 6 Jesus was a leader. Jesus intended to pass them by when they were straining at the oars Why?
He had already given them the tools to overcome the storm. Jesus has already given us the tools to help us walk through the storms in ours lives.

They had been focusing on the storm instead of focusing on the fact that Jesus had commanded them to go to the other side.

Jesus is like lets go change the world!
He just figures that we are going to do it. He plans on us winning all the time.

Measure of a man is not what he can do but the storms he can overcome through integrity and stay steadfast

What ever you place your value on is what you will spend your time looking at thinking about and turning your affections towards

Matthew 10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

What value you place on any situation increases the ability for however much value you have on something is the ability is has to change your life

Value equals influence
What ever you believe has the greatest ability to affect you. You will place a value on that thing
Most Christians believe situation around them can affect them more then God
What you spend your most time thinking about will have the most ability to affect you
The instant you place value on a situation it has the power to influence
Don’t be ignorant of the situation in your life but know that God has the power to help you overcome it
If you know to Worry you know how to meditate

Genesis 30:31 You re-produce what you are looking at what
You do not become what you want to become if you are focusing on something else
You become what you are constantly aware of

We know we are the sons and daughter of God
Start to spend time dreaming with God listening to his voice for you
What am I doing and running for in my life?
Get that so engrained in who you are!
Look at the aspects you need to achieve your goals and focus on that and start to train yourself to fill yourself with light so you become explosive with light it’s the only thing inside of you

You can only expel what lies inside of you if its not in there you can give it out. If you focus all the time on negativity you won’t be able to give out positive stuff you only put out what come in. If sewage comes in then you can’t expel water.

What does this look like in your life? how do you approach difficulties to see every situation as an opportunity. How can you in the next couple weeks and Months allow only light and life into your life

Sunday, August 8, 2010

That’s my King Part II

I stood to my feet once again and had almost completely forgotten what had gone on during the night and where I was headed. Then I remember the predicament I was in. I was on my way home, and there was a wolf on the hunt for me. The air suddenly was split again by a wolfs howl, and then five or six more howls responded. Correction make that there were wolves on the hunt for me. I also didn’t really know where I was but I knew I had to get home. So I began to walk. The grass was long, almost too long it rose to just above my hips. Perfect, I was a sitting duck easy enough prey for even the wimpiest of wolves but I knew that these were no ordinary wolves. They were on a mission. Chills swept thought my skin I began to feel nauseous, but then I heard the lions voice in my head again “I will be with you“.
Off to my right there was a sudden rustle in the grass a head poked out of the top and turned my way I froze. Those same red beady eyes I had seen before now stared at me again. “I will be with you” I heard the voice again so this time I took a step to wards the wolf. For a second the eyes blinked as if confused wondering why such a weakling like me was headed straight towards him. But I was walking on a promise, a promise that a lion was right behind me overshadowing me, watching over me. The wolf took a step towards me he was about 60 ft away. I took another step he opened his mouth and snarled and then I did something that seemed natural but felt rather odd. I growled at him. I was as surprised as he was and then I did something that felt even stupider. I began to run towards him not jogging but sprinting. The wolf began to run as well the distance was closing fast 40ft.. 30ft.. 20ft… the wolf lunged and I ducked and as I did I hear the sound of two objects hitting in the air. The sound of bones crunching above my head was like a sonic boom. My ears reverberated as the echoes of the sound filled my mind I turned back behind me to see the after math of the collision and what I saw shocked me. All I could make out in the moonlight was pieces of a dismembered wolf, a little bit of blood reflected the moonlight but besides that there wasn’t much left.
I turned quickly as my ears alerted me to another sound ,a rustle in the grass and now two more beady red eyes stared at me. They were joined by a second pair, and then also third. Three wolves about 30 ft away slowly closed in on me. But once again the lion showed up. A claw appeared of the grass grabbed one of the wolves by the back paw and pulled him onto the grass, a fierce growl was heard a yelp and then that sickening crunch of bones. The wolves spun and turned around to find one of their companions missing and then from their now backside a blurry object smashed into the one on the left and it somersaulted into the grass. The one on the right had just enough time to turn its head once again but not before a huge paw batted him right in the face and threw him through the air. It was kinda funny to see the wolf spinning through the air as his dark fleshy hair caught the rays of the moon. I heard a loud thump from the place where I had seen the wolf disappear into the grass. I turned to thank the lion be he was nowhere insight. As adrenaline coursed through my veins something filled me, I couldn’t explain it if I tried but it was like my ten percent battery power had been filled up to 100% I started to shake but now I felt fearless. I had seen such a display of raw and incredible power that I decided I was just going to run home and nothing would stop me.
I took off running my feet kicking up clouds of dirt, and breaking the tall grass as I ploughed through it. I caught a glimpse of red eyes running right beside me but then they disappeared accompanied by a yelp. I looked up ahead another wolf was running to wards me and as he lunged at me the world seemed to slow down and go into slo mow. His claws outreached he teeth bared he came at me like a steam train. I ducked and rolled trying to impersonate what I had seen the martial art guys do on TV and to my surprise I executed the move perfectly. The wolf caught nothing as his jaws snapped at the thin air but he did get face full of dirt as he hit the ground. I heard a yelp again and this time I looked back and saw the lion with the wolf clamped in between its mouth the life completely gone out of the creature. The lion tossed the wolf over its shoulder effortlessly and disappeared into the bushes.
I took off running again the grass sped by my lungs gasped in air, my face caught wind and then I hit a cloud of bugs. The tiny bugs plastered themselves over my face and I cleared my throat and spit as they had filled my mouth. I kept going I don’t know how long I ran for but I seemed like quite a while when ever a wolf appeared as long as I kept going and didn’t stop I was greeted with the sound of a yelp and the wolf disappeared. I was actually beginning to feel comfortable even with all of the wolves around me chasing me but then I caught sight of the biggest eyes I had seen yet. The dark eyes of this wolf were sickening compared to the other ones I had seen. I thought back to the first wolf I had encountered, the one who had brought me down, the one I had met before the lion and felt like this was the clone of him, the same stench, then same yellow teeth and the same blood red eyes. As I stared at this wolf I realized I was still running and then I burst through the grass tripped and fell onto the path that I had been on earlier.
The black wolf didn’t share in the same fate as I did he kept his footing and jumped over the edge of the grass that lined the pathway and landed softly on the dark worn dirt path. However he kept his distance and paced back and forth in front of me blocking my way home. His shoulders went up and down as he breathed deeply as if he had ran long and hard. I realized that I was breathing rather regularly and thought this strange knowing the distance I had just recently covered. The wolf growled again the stench was getting stronger. Then my eyes fell upon his shoulder where a dark bloodstained tear in his fleshed oozed black pussy blood. It dribbled down on his fur and onto the ground. This seeping wound seemed as if it was leaking evil the ground where the blood had landed steamed as if it was burning into the ground. He snarled again bared his fangs and then took a step forward. As he did I felt a wave a darkness hit me it was like this wolf was more then just a evil creature but the very essence of darkness itself. The very force of death, and disease, and fear. He took one more step forward and as he did he spoke. His voice was so raspy and so deep it was like knives were cutting his throat as he spoke, his words sent chills through my body.
“Your done, finished, its just you and me now, come to me and let me feast upon your flesh” surprised at my own boldness I answered my voice still a little shaky
“You wont get a taste of me, for you were defeated once I have seen and witnessed the lions power and nothing you do is going to stop him”
“Your king isn’t here now human” the voice rasped again “im going to rip you limb from limb and lap your blood from the ground upon which you now stand” I took a step foreword this time as I spoke I pointed at him.
“I have been given power over you, I trust in the lion in the great I Am and nothing you do is going to stop me you have no power here and it is time for your power to end right here right now.” The wolf growled even roared if that is possible and a wave of darkness shot towards me. It pulsated and floated towards me its wispy, smoke like fingers reached towards me trying to take me and claim me as its own. I kept waiting for the lion to come to take the wolf out to take him down, but the lion didn’t show. Could I really fight him? was this it? had the lion finally left me? would he come and fight for me the one he claimed and called son?
I thought back to first wolf I had encountered and how I had growled at him and how he seemed to be taken off guard. I thought back to what I said to the lion in the cave when he asked me if I would go back home my mind replayed the scene. “ille do it, ille go back home and face the darkness, the wolves outside, ille take them on with you at my back” So I thought of the growl I had growled I thought of the lion and his big brown eyes, I thought of how he had taken out all of my pursuers all but this one, this darkness that now stood before.
I studied myself, centred my feet about shoulder width apart, I clenched my fists drew in a deep breath, and yelled. However it was not a yell that I heard come from my lips but a roar, a roar as if I had a lion raging on the inside of me. But I also know that my roar had not been the only roar but another roar joined in with mine and burst in though the darkness. What happened next I would like to explain to you from all three perspectives the wolves sight the lions thoughts and my feelings. I don’t know how I got to see, feel and hear all of this but I felt what each one was feeling and I got to see it through their eyes and then I understood
The Wolf: Imagine if you can a cloud of darkness a cloud you just sent out towards that pathetic little human. You see him clench his fist and take a deep breath and then yell. Although his yell terrifies you its nothing compared to what you hear next. You hear a mighty roar from the mouth of the Great I Am. The roar of the Lion that sealed your fate years ago. The roar of the Lion who lives inside of the pathetic human who you now see as a great and mighty warrior. You take a step back surprised at this turn of events. You feel your tail tuck in between your legs like a sick dog scared and helpless. Even though you try and show courage your heart sinks cause you know you are defeated. Next imagine looking at your dark cloud that you have sent out towards the human and you see a little light in the middle of it and it begins to grow steadily. I grows and gets bigger and bigger as you stare through the light at the child in front of you, you see him become transparent and although you find it hard to explain he somehow he becomes spirit and as he does you see a great lion almost pass through the boy. The lion is in the air. Halfway through his lunge, halfway before he reaches you and now right in front of your now pathetic little cloud. A Wave of light almost like a force shield surrounds the lion, and as the lion hits your little cloud there is an explosion of light and your cloud solidifies and then bursts into thousands of tiny pieces no more then chaff in the wind. The lion has now passed through your cloud and is almost upon you. His jaws are agape and his mouth I stretched to the max. His giant white teeth spell death to you and your kingdom, his eyes are not brown but yellow, yellow like a ever burning flame full of hatred but full of love something you never understood. His paws are reaching out to you and his longs claws extend towards you aimed at your throat he is going for the kill. The light blinds you as you look at his eyes once again you can no longer stand on your feet. You feel you knees buckle and you fall weakly to the ground. And then it is over. You feel a mighty claw tear through your jugular. You feel life leaving you, and you feel chunks of your flesh being torn off your body. This is what has been due to you. You have deceived and lied to the Great I Am’s children for far to long and judgment day has come. Your kingdom has ended and the humans are taking over alongside their King.
My View: As I roared I felt lighter almost as if I had left my body. The roar of the lion still shook the very particles of my being the very walls of my heart. Light glimmered in every retrospect that could be formulated out of thought, perceived by the mind, or imagined by the heart. I felt overwhelmed yet embraced in a peace that didn’t seem possible. And then I saw the lion his claws appeared first and that’s when I realized he was going through me. His claws extended towards the wolf who just moments ago seemed so powerful but in this dimension of life he seemed like the most minute of details. I felt the lions head go through me and as he passed through me my mind was filled with libraries of information, countless thoughts of love, and passion, and joy for me. Then his torso went through me I felt strength like I could move a mountain strength that wasn’t possible for any many to posses , then his legs and tail fallowed. I saw him collide with the blackness and as the two powers fought to co exist the light expended the darkness. Millions of pieces of the blackness seemed to fly everywhere like a pane of glass that has just be blown up with a stick of C-4. The lion passed through this darkness and his light took over. Stretching and reaching towards the wolf and his existence of death. The light moved in waves, it bounced, and spun, twirled, and danced as it dripped with power of the majestic one. Then the lion hit the wolf and struck a lethal blow. The entire left side of the wolfs throat disappeared in a heartbeat and then he slumped to the ground either dead or unconscious to the world around him.

The Lion: Look at my child, look how brave he is, he trusts me look at him taking a stand against the wolf of deception, the wolf of lies. Look at my creation, he is perfect, nothing could ever separate me from him especially the powers of darkness. Look at him breathe, hear his roar. It makes my heart jump when I see him take a stand. Time to intervene. He loves me so much, I can hear it in his voice, see it in his eyes, feel it in his heart. His heart and mine are one never skipping a beat. Only combined like two lost lovers unaware of the world around them. I have saved him, he is mine, I will fight for him as he fights for me. Look at the darkness so pitiful, so powerless, experience the light the power of its radiance. Look at how the darkness cannot stand up to even the smallest flash of light. If its only a flicker of light the darkness is gone for that moment, for that time, for that instance, for that heartbeat. Look at that wolf so weak so helpless, I will take him down but not take him out for that is the job of my creation to destroy the one who tried to be like me. So I made some in the image of me to destroy the one who wished to be me. Jugular, he deserves far worse punishment then this. However, letting my son take him out will be worth it for me.
When the light died down and all was calm I saw the lion standing over the wolf I ran to the lion and embraced him I wrapped myself in his mane and lost myself in those dark brown eyes.
“I knew you would be there I just knew it, I love you so much”
“I have one last thing to ask of you” the lion said “You need to finish the job that I completed” I looked down at the wolf who lay helpless on the ground. Blood soaked the ground where he lay. I looked at the lion and then back to the wolf. The wolf was breathing heavily his rasps of breath barely kept him alive. I took a step foreword and put my foot on his neck and pressed down cutting off what was left of his respiratory system. By now the brain would be losing oxygen motor systems would be shutting down it would soon be over. I kept my foot on his neck and applied even more pressure and with a wheeze the last breath left the wolfs body. The lion look down at the wolf and said in a deep voice
“He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel” I thought back to when the wolf had ripped my calf and thought it interesting that the leg that the wolf injured dealt the final blow. The lion turned to me and said
“I think it is time for you to finally go home, I will accompany you the rest of the way” I put my hand into his thick mane and grabbed onto a bit of it and said
“I would like that very much”

It was an interesting pair that walked the worn dirt road on the path to Travis’ house. The large lion swayed back and forth and Travis had to almost jog to keep up with the lions giant stride. As they rounded the corner of the dirt path the little wood hut came into view. The crickets chirped, and birds tweeted a soft tune in the air. The reds, and oranges of the sunrise cast a warm pleasant glow onto the small clearing. Travis walked forward with his hand still swallowed up by the giant mane. But almost fell over when he was met with a sudden stop. He turned and the lion was standing still
“This is where I leave once again” the lion said
“But I don’t want you to go” Travis responded
“I must, life continues on but remember I will always be with you” the lion smiled and then a soft wind began to blow and then lion started to glow so bright was the light Travis closed his eyes and then when he opened them the lion was gone all that was left was the little wooden hut and the warm sun coming onto his face. The lions last words echoed in Travis’ mind “I will always be with you.” With that Travis Smiled and turned, opened the door to his hut and lay down on his bed it was going to be a great sleep it had been a long night.

Beep… Beep… Beep. Out of compulsion, and repetition I hit the snooze button on my alarm then I swung my legs over my bed wiped the sleep from my eyes and stood to my feet. It was time for another normal day, or was it. Normal would never be the same again!

That’s my King Part I

I sat against the hard rock in the blackness my back rested uncomfortably against the cave wall. My feet were blistered and bleeding. I could hardly remember the details of my flight. On minute I had been walking through the long golden field and the next I was running for my life. I don’t know what had caused me to flee but I felt an evil chasing me. I heard a snap of a twig and a fear filled my heart and I took of running.
It had been dusk when I left my hut. The sun was setting over the rolling hills of oceans of long grass and grain. My intentions had been to just climb the hill and watch the sunset. The hues of the orange, and pink and even some green greeted my eyes with a brightness that left me feeling filled with peace. Oh how glorious and great the master artist was how awesome were his strokes of pure colors. The sun gently fell between two hills almost centered perfectly as if it had been stretched and painted onto a canvas. I had finished watching the sun go down and as the first star appeared in the greenish blue sky I headed back home. The brisk air, and cool breeze were welcome as the hot day had left my body hot, and sticky from perspiration. I hummed a gentle tune as I continued walking down the old worn path. This was a familiar journey one I made quite often.
About halfway home a dark cloud passed in front of the moon, the stars were blotted out and a blackness encased my night. The path was familiar so I didn't need a light however the stillness, and aloneness of the night make my skin tingle. I heard a twig snap behind me. The sudden interruption of my rather quiet night caused me to jump and I turned around as quickly as my body would allow. I stood still in the night my heart thumped against my chest I swallowed nervously and waited. Nothing… I turned around and began walking again. The wind picked up a bit and blew through the grass. It hissed as the grain rubbed back and forth on each other. I felt like I was not alone but all I could do was keep walking. I had heard of dangerous animals that lived in these parts but I had never encountered anything before so I never felt the need to take any weapons with me. I thought of all the stories I had heard as a kid. Of the wolves, and the lions, and hyenas that roamed the area. The stories of farmers being snatched away from their fields or the shepherd taken from their flocks. The children being taken as they walked to the well and as I searched through and processed my thoughts my mind began to get the better of me. What would happen if I met a creature, I wasn't armed what could I do, would it kill me. But my thoughts were interrupted by what I had been fearing.
My breath was taken from me, I couldn't even feel my heart beating, my pulse quickened though that I was sure of and my blood froze. There in front of me were two beady eyes the reddest eyes that I had ever seen. This creature was the stuff nightmares were made of. It was like I was looking into the face of hell.

It stepped closer and snarled. Its hot breathe forced clouds of moisture to be seen in the air I tried to move but couldn't. At that moment the moon came out again and then my eyes saw what I didn’t even think was possible. There in front of me stood the biggest wolf I had ever seen in my life. Its fur was pure black darker then midnight so dark it even put to shame the darkness around me. It was huge!. Its shoulders must have sat almost 6 feet tall and its long slender body coursed with thick muscles. There was going to be no chance for me. It opened its mouth and its yellow teeth stained with its meal from early morning stood out like daggers. Its red tongue hung out from his mouth and he licked his wicked lips. He snarled this time and I smelt its breathe, my stomach turned inside out and my body felt violated from the stench. Like sulphur its smell crept into my nose and clung to the inside filling my mind and thoughts with its evil. It felt like death so dark and fierce was this beast.
I turned and ran I knew there was no hope in me escaping but I had to at least try. The rocky outcropping to my right was my best option if I could get there maybe I could find a cave and get back far enough where he couldn't reach me. A second hadn't even passed before the wolf jumped and snarled and swung at my feet barley missing by an inch. He dug his claws into the ground and ripped up a chunk of grass almost symbolizing what was going to happen to my body. His back legs pushed hard and his muscles strained and as his claws dug into the ground the chase began. I had gone about 10 feet when I felt his hot breath on my neck and then pain. More pain then I had ever experienced before shot through my leg. His long yellow claws ripped though my skin and flesh like a dull dagger cutting through meat and as his claws dragged down my calf infection was almost immediate. I fell hard to the ground and my face hit the dirt. I turned onto my back and he stood over me. He opened his mouth and saliva dripped from his mouth and landed on my chest. This was it, I was a goner.
I closed my eyes and as I did I heard the soft patter of another set of paws hit the ground. They were quiet at first but then they suddenly grew louder. I opened my eyes and saw that the wolf had heard them too. His ears were up and he was scanning the area around us. For a second I thought he had forgotten me but then he looked down again. I stared into he eyes and felt chills go down my spine but it sure wasn't from the cold. He raised his right paw and his claws gleamed in the moonlight and just as he was about to strike another large shadow collided into him and sent him flying. The beast that now fought the wolf was large about the size of a half grown elephant. But It moved so quickly I could not tell what it was. Snarls and growls filled the air, dust was churned up as the two animals fought back and forth. Every branch in the vicinity was shattered, no piece of grass stood straight as this fierce duel waged. Claws swung and fangs snapped as some attempts hit their targets. More growls then a yelp the sound of a heavy object slamming into the ground as one beast threw the other. The sounds of the battle began to fade from my ears. Then blackness overtook me my last thought before passing out from the pain was which animal was going to have a meal out of me.

Now I was in a cave the events from earlier blurry in my memory. I had no Idea how I had gotten here and why I was now sitting. I reach down to my calf and felt my skin, no trace of a scar not even any blood. I was confused I tried to remember what had happened but the events escaped my mind. I couldn’t remember anything. A howl broke the silence of my thoughts, and it was in turn answered by many others. My mind raced there could not be more of the wolves I wouldn’t stand a chance. One already proved to be way more then any one man could even dare to stand up to. I stood and stretched I braced myself for pain but my body felt fine. No pains, sores, or aches I was completely whole. I took a step forward and my foot stepped onto something that was definitely not rock. It was soft and as I lifted my foot I heard something move. I got down on my knees and felt in the blackness for what I had just stepped on. Nothing was there the only thing in my hand was dirt from the floor. I began to crawl forward on my knees and then I bumped my head on something. I put my hand up onto what had just hit my head and I froze. My hand rested on something very soft, something very warm, and something very alive.
The fur under my hand was smooth and soft, it almost resembled silk. It was course between the fingers and about a foot long. But for some reason I did not feel fear like I had when I had encountered the wolf. I felt strangely calm despite the circumstances that I was in a cave with an large animal and I had no idea what it was. It moved again and my hand slipped off of what ever was in the cave with me and fell onto the floor. I moved forward again in an attempt to grab what I had just previously felt, and then in the silence I heard something. It was a soft humming sound. I listened closer again and this time I realized what the noise was. It was the sound of something purring. Then I heard another sound that caught me completely off guard. A voice in a very gentle quiet, yet strong whisper
“Yes” I replied
“Do you know who I am?” the voice was strong yet calm
“No I don’t, who are you?”
“ I have been with you since you were born, I have watched every step you took, and watched you every time you fell down, I have seen your tears, and enjoyed watching you smile, I know your fears, your achievements, your weaknesses and you strengths I am the Great I Am” and with that a soft glow emanated from the bottom of the cave floor. The shape turned and as it did I saw who and what had been talking.

It was a great lion, instantly I realized that this was the shape that had saved me from the wolf. This was the creature that saved me from the darkness, this was the blur that had struck my pursuer down with a lethal blow. This was indeed the mighty the Great I Am. His mane flowed down to the ground gold and beautiful it was. It glimmered as some strands of the mane appeared to be gold thread. His eyes were a dark brown like the bark of an ancient oak tree. They were so deep and piercing I only held his gazed for a moment before I dropped my head. His jaw line however terrible and fierce it was, was set firmly in place held back in a very kingly manner. His red pink nose crowned the top of his mouth and long grey whiskers poked out in every which way. A big red tongue licked his dry lips and it was sucked back into a enormous mouth guarded by great white incisors. White hairs hung from the bottom of his jaw and this completed his facial features. His shoulders were almost touching the ceiling of the cave a great 10 feet tall. They were broad and sinewy tough from constant use. He was sitting on his butt and his white chest heaved as he breathe in and out. His back legs hunched beside his hips and his strong slender back arched beautifully. His great tail swept back and forth stirring up dust constantly moving like a pendulum in a clock, at the end of his tail was a great tuft of thick hair, perfect for completing the balance he needed when he ran, and jumped and climbed.
Again he spoke “I know the darkness that haunts you, and the wolf that tries to devourer you but I have something to ask of you” The lion turned towards me and stared at me with his big deep brown eyes. “The wolves are out there they will seek to devourer you, you must go back to your home but know this I will be with you every step of the way. Even though sometimes you will not see me you must trust that I will be right beside you. I am not asking you to do this alone but I am asking you to do it with a little faith knowing that I will watch over and protect you. Will you do this?”
I looked into his eyes so kind, so majestic, so peaceful. The light in the cave was growing now so brightly my eyes started to water. I held his gaze this time and asked
“Will you really be there, will you be right behind me cause sometimes it sure feels like you have left me to fend for myself!” My eyes started to water not only because of the light but from tears forming in my eyes. “Will you really be there like the light at the end of the tunnel?” His eyes penetrated into my body searching, looking, finding, seeking, longing, hoping, trusting these emotion flooded through me as his eyes penetrated to the deepest darkest and blackest parts of me. Then I felt something in my heart break. Like an egg smashed onto a floor light exploded inside of me and shot through all the darkness, all the doubts, all the worry and the fear. I would believe this lion, I would trust in his words, I would choose to have faith that he was right there behind me.
“There is one thing about your question that deeply disturbs me” the lion said “you asked if I would be the light at the end of the tunnel, this is a wrong question as not only am I the light at the end of the tunnel but I am also right beside you in the blackness, you only can’t see me because your eyes haven’t gotten accustomed to the darkness and I never want them to either you just have to believe that I am there”
“Why don’t you just show yourself in the darkness, why don’t you just become a light to guide us to the end?”
“If I did that there would be no reason for you to trust in me, no reason for you to hope for something greater, if I got you out of every mess, every tight spot you found yourself in you would never learn you would never grow. Just like the wolf who cut you in the night if you fall and are harmed I will make a way for you to escape, I will prepare a secret place where I will strengthen and nourish you. I give you the choice to keep running until you reach the light or stay still and be consumed by the blackness. Just know I Am and always will be there.”
“OK” I said “ ill do it, ill go back home and face the darkness, the wolves outside, ill take them on with you at my back” The lion laughed and the walls of the cave shuddered under the power in his voice.
“Good” He smiled “I would expect nothing less of the young man who now stands before me” He turned and crouched down low to the ground, the muscles in the back of his legs bulged under the full weight of his body, he growled and then jumped and with that he was gone.

The light from the cave began to fade so I took a few steps to wards where the lion had left and rounded the corner of the cave. As I saw the opening of the cave the light completely went out all I was left to look at was the dark sky speckled with a few stars at the mouth of the cave.
I stepped out of the cave the clouds had all left and a sliver of moon hung from the sky providing little light for me to see but still enough for me to make my way down the cliffside. It was indeed the outcrop of rocks that I had been headed for before the wolf had grabbed me and took me down. My feet slipped under the loose shale and I began to slide down the cliff. Out of the darkness a massive paw caught me and stopped my weight in a second and then was gone. I heard some shale clinker down to the bottom of the rocks as the lion moved away. I regained me footing and began to descend once again down the steep cliffside slowly and carefully inching my way to the bottom. Aaawwwwwooooooooo a wolfs cry pierced the night sky it was close, painfully close I cringed then remember the lions promise. “Not only will I be the light at the end of the tunnel but I will be in the blackness beside you the whole way“. The thought floated through my mind so I kept going focusing on the lion and his giant eyes, the eyes that knew the blue prints to my heart and soul. I grabbed a rock and suspended my weight and then reached my foot out onto a ledge. I pushed off the rock and then I was standing on what I thought was close to the bottom.
I looked over the edge and now the moon provided no help I couldn’t tell how far it was down to the ground below and the from out of no where the lion was there again. His hot breath fell upon my shoulder his brown eyes seem to glow in the darkness. The moon outline his silhouetted kingly form and the gold of his hair gleamed softly in the moonlight.
“What are you going to do now?” He asked in almost a playful tone
“I don’t know” I replied “I can’t see the bottom and I don’t even know how to get down, what do you think I should do?” I turned and look over my shoulder and the wind playfully tossed hair from his mane into my face. I brushed them off and he replied
“Sometimes the only thing one can do is take a leap of faith” I looked at him my eye brows wrinkled in puzzlement, did he actually expect me to jump off the side of a cliff, surely he meat figuratively and not literally, Although the very though of throwing myself off of a cliff side seemed strangely exhilarating.
“What do you want me to..” and that’s when I felt a slight push on my back, his head had nuzzled up against me and before I could say anything he said
“And sometimes on that leap of faith it requires a helping hand” and he pushed me forward. For a second I thought I had regained my balance I swung my arms in an attempt to move myself backwards but it was to no avail. I fell foreword and my heart leapt I was going to die. The wind blew upwards through my hair but gravity pulled me down, down towards the ground I must have fallen twenty feet but then. Whooomp! I landed in a pile of hay. I lay still in the pile breathing heavily, that kind of adrenaline rush can’t be good for you I thought as I stood. I slid down the side of the pile and landed softly on the ground in the long grass. I turned to look at the pile I had landed in and it looked like I had been prepared for me. That’s when I caught side of those big brown eyes right beside the haystack, but before I could do anything he sprinted to wards me and flew past me. As he flew by me a gust of wind hit me kinda like the draft of air you feel when a semi flies buy your small car at over 100 Km an hour. But this was no small draft the wind hit me square in the chest and knocked me over onto my back. I didn’t hurt when I fell but I was kinda begging to notice a pattern with this lion. He wasn’t the boring, serious type but loved to play around it reminded me of a little kid the way he bounded and moved everywhere.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WHO and WHAT are you fighting for?

Ille fight for my family, and ille fight for my friends
Ille fight for what’s right ille fight to the end

For my brother, my sister my mom and my dad
for my Saviour and friend against all that is bad

Ille for my life ille fight and be strong
Ill war against dark all night long

Yes ille fight through the day and ille fight through the night
Ille fight and ille fight until I see light

Ille fight for my future wife cause she’s worth it
Ille fight for her strongly cause man she deserves it

Against abuse and those who cannot speak
Their voices cut off with a sudden shriek

Ille fight for the lost, the broken, afraid
Ille fight for their lives even if I meet the blade

Ille give my life for the ones i love
Ill fight till I see they holy ones dove

Ille carry on through the thick and the thin
Cause the darkness around me cannot win

Ille bring down the wall that are holding strong
Holding in captives all day long

Out on the streets those who are looking for love
I know the Saviours watching them up from above

Ill fight for the broken, confused and afraid
Ille fight the darkness wave after wave
Ille fight for my life to show my affection

My affection to my creator above
Who is always looking down, down on me in love

Even if their dead I sure wont stop
Cause death doesn’t win Jesus broke that lock

I have the power Jesus gave it me
He handed you the keys check Matthew 16:19

Ille fight for the baby unborn in the womb
Who’s parents are taking convince and creating a tomb

Ille fight to speak what comes out of my heart
Cause ille start a fire all I need is a spark

My Jesus fought death he paid the price for me
On Calvary he died nailed to a tree

He went down to hell, and he took on death
He won and he earned me every new breath

So if he fought foe me, then I owe what is due
Ille just keep on fighting and fighting , im bringing the new

Now the Devils defeated but he isn’t that dumb
He sure can tell lies and we sometimes believe them

So church wake up, me must rise to the call
Of a nation that crying for the answers to all

I know we don’t know everything
But we got power to back up cause we stand by the king

So do the stuff, the sign and wonders
Show the power and lets bring the thunder

Time to go and knock on hells door
And strip down the devil right to his core

Lets show the world this liar and fiend
It time we come back and its time we redeem

What the devil had taken out of our hands
Were putting on our armour and were taking this land.
Cause when that time comes Christ will shine brilliantly

He will come in his glory and come in his power
And every knee will bow announcing louder

What he’s done for the world, what he’s done for us all
He made it all possible by knocking down the wall

The wall that separated us from God and new life
And dying for a world in strife

So God now forgives us that is clear
So lets be vulnerable and show no more fear

Ille fight for all this, and ille fight for his kingdom
Let all go out cause it time to win them!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Life Bringer

The bright blue and red cut into the night blinding the drivers who dared to stare at the flashing lights. The noise from the sirens screamed into the night like a wolfs cry breaking the silence as he calls out to the moon. The white vehicle cut through traffic like a boat through waves. No one stood in its path as the ambulance weaved in and out of traffic. The Vehicle was well known in the city with its bright white paint marked by blue and red stripes. Its sirens blaring out louder, and louder. If you listened hard enough you could almost hear it saying “Im coming, im coming, don’t give up yet ille be there soon.” The traffic lights changed in order to create a pathway to the scene of the accident. Where most people would turn away, the little white van raced towards the danger, those inside ready to put their lives on the line if need be in order to save the people crying out in pain. Inside the vehicle bags were checked and materials were gathered for what would be needed at the scene. Four EMT’s sat on the benches in the back of the van, their minds racing, their hearts pumping as adrenaline coursed through their veins. Their brains are already working even though they haven’t seen the accident yet their minds are already predicting every circumstance, going through every variable. One of the newer EMT’s nervously rubbed his hands on his knees waiting for the vehicle to stop, the doors to open and the work to begin. As the white van sped past countless vehicles the people in the cars, vans, and trucks seemed to almost will the vehicle forward harder and faster. The white van was a vehicle of hope, and of healing. Inside it carried the ambassador of life, and the destroyers of death. Finally the ambulance came to sudden stop the doors opened and out stepped the EMT’s. The first person out of the back was an older man, grey whiskers marked his stern face but there was a gentleness in his look. His broad shoulders and toned muscles were the mark of a man who had been on the force for years, battling and battling always bringing life in the most dire of times. The next person out of the van was a younger women much newer to the force. But still with enough experience to have seen almost everything. Her brown shoulder length hair was tied neatly and professionally into a ponytail. She scanned the scene carefully taking everything in. Her eyes like sapphires gleamed bright blue as the hot flames reflected light onto her face With a steady confidence she stepped forward and ran toward the first vehicle. She moved quickly and silently to her left. A man who had been caught in the wreckage stumbled around almost blatantly yelling and screaming. The shock from the crash seemed to have taken its affect on him and he fell over as his body tried to recover and stabilize itself. He hit his head on the asphalt hard, and a sickening thud was heard. Instantly the young women knelt by the man. As she knelt by the man trying to calm him she looked into his eyes. They were dark and hazy almost glazed over. He moaned a deep torturous moan and grabbed his stomach. Again he moaned as if trying to force something out. As the young woman leaned over to check his pulse and injuries a tiny gold cross, on a thin gold chain slipped out of her EMT jacket and dangled from her neck. The small object caught the heat of the fire and seemed to shine more brightly then usual. The man who was below moaned and then stopped. She looked at his eyes and they were fixed on the cross. He smiled slightly, his eyes seemed to clear and then he put his head back and said in a small voice almost to quiet to here

“Thank you” she nodded and kept working. She pulled off her bag and opened the zipper took out some bandages and wrapped up his cuts applying ointment where needed when she was all done she put her hand on his shoulder and said

“Some other people will come and get you out of here, you just lie still and rest.” He smiled weakly again and then closed his eyes. She stood up and surveyed then scene again. The car farthest away was still in flames and the firemen had taken out the jaws of life. The small Nissans red paint was now caked black with smoke and the car was barely visible. The firemen had cut open one of the side arches of the car door and as they did one turned and waved her over. She again moved very quickly over the vehicle when she arrived she asked

“What do we got here?” one of the firemen responded “Man got stuck inside, we managed to put out most of the flames but not before he got the worst of it. I don’t think he’ll make it”

The young women checked his pulse and was relived to feel a faint heartbeat against her fingertips. “He’s alive” she said “hurry we need to get him out of here.“ She turned “Get me a stretcher”

One of the firemen left and returned quickly with a stretcher in hand. After carefully placing a neck brace on his neck they took him and with much difficulty removed him from the vehicle. Sweat perspired on the young women’s forehead, the heat from the vehicle was almost to much. They quickly wheeled the man away from the vehicle. When they were a safe distance away she reached over and checked his pulse again placing her two fingers on his neck. Nothing… she quickly grabbed his wrist and checked for a pulse there… again nothing. Her mind raced. He must have passed while we were moving him to the stretcher she thought. She looked up franticly. Searching for another EMT and spotted the head man. Their eyes locked and this time holding nothing back she screamed desperately

“Get me a defibrillator” The man turned barked some orders and one of the younger EMTs ran to the ambulance. The two firefighters left quickly not daring to disturb the young women. One second, two, three, they seemed like eternity as the young mans life was in her hands hanging in the balance. The young EMT poked his head from behind the ambulance door

“I cant find it” he yelled. The young women didn’t even hear him she was looking over his body. His clothes now tatters were charred black, 1st degree burns riddled his body, she new she had no other choice so she did what she had seen no one else ever do. She took a hold of the young mans forearm. A peace seemed to envelope her like a cloud. All the sounds of the accident seemed to dissipate. Her head bowed and her lips moved as she silently prayed. Its wasn’t a long prayer, and it wasn’t a loud one. She just prayed for the young man to come back, for his life to be restored. To the observer it would have looked like she was crying over the man. They would have been right too. Tears filler her eyes and blurred her vision and in the silent world that she was now enveloped in she only heard one noise. It was a gasp for breath, like when a young child comes up out of the water after seeing how long he can hold his breath. The sounds from the accident came back and she looked at the young man again. His chest rose and fell in a steady motion. She looked at his arms and the scarred tissue seemed to be disappearing before her very eyes. The dead charred skin, the blood, the bruises it looked as if it was just being sucked out of his body. He flinched and then squinted, his eyes opened and she said

“Welcome back you very nearly left us” He was just about to respond when the young EMT completely out of breathe interrupted “I found it, I got it, here it is” he bumped her with the bag and then peered over her shoulder completely oblivious to what had happened. So focused on his task at finding the piece of equipment was he that he didn’t even notice the man now was completely fine. The only words he could get out of his mouth were.

“How did you… wasn’t he.. Didn’t you need this?” He questioned now holding up the red bag that held the defibrillator .

“Not anymore” the young women replied. she looked at the young man smiled, then carefully and affectionately placed a hand on his shoulder and then turned.

“Have him brought to the ambulance” she said while leaving them both staring at each other quite confused at what had just transpired. She again looked around the scene of the accident. All the fires were out a few more people were lying in stretchers. Everything seemed to be in order. She walked over to her boss he turned to her and said

“Looks like everything’s going to be ok, close call with that man over there though” he pointed indicating to where she had just been. “What happened anyways?” he asked. She did not turn to him she just kept her eyes on the man that only moments before had been burned and lifeless.

“It can only be described as a miracle” she said in a soft almost amazed voice, and with that she turned headed back to the ambulance to help with loading the injured and the supplies.

The moonlight shone down on them, the traffic lights switched from green, to yellow, to red. The streetlights buzzed with a hum that brought insects from near and far. The destroyed cars were towed to the junk yard and the crowd of observers dissipated. The ambulance made its way back to the hospital and unloaded the hurt and the injured. The young woman walked back to her locker put her gear away and went to the hospital cafĂ©. She ordered her usual chocolate milk and cookies and after collecting her snack went and sat down at the white tables. An old lady in a wheelchair was the only other company in the mess hall. She looked at the young woman and smiled and got a smile in return. The young lady slowly drank her milk and ate her cookies and in the solitude of the cafeteria sat alone with her thoughts. Alone but not quite, for she new that the same person who was with her at the accident was now sitting right beside her and that was enough to comfort her. As she stared at the wall opposite to her mindlessly looking at the bulletin of hospital announcements she heard a small voice say “the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I have come that they might have life and life to the fullest.”

~Inspired by Danielle Hilsabeck~

This is so what we are all called to be bringers of hope, of life, and of healing. Matthew 10:7-8 sums it up best

Go and announce to them that the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received.

Monday, July 12, 2010

You have the Power

You see a person in the mall hobbling along their crutches have formed ugly calices on their arms and their uninjured leg is weary from being the only support. Muscles begin to form on the arm as the injured leg begins to lose all muscle from lack of use. You see them and smile as you walk past them and although they try and smile back you see the pain in their eyes, you see the chains that bind them. You pass them and all of a sudden everything stops and freezes you alone stand in the shopping mall aware of what has happened. You look around but you see nobody the only thing different is everything is Glowing and people are different. You scan the food court and see that some people are glowing. Colours of bright blue, purple, and orange hover over some people and what seem like ribbons circle around them. The colours give you peace. Others have weird strange shapes fallowing them around the shapes move quickly in a jolty pixely type fashion very spurattic. Then some have disgusting black and red almost snake like threads encircling them leaving a yellowish pus in their trail. They slither and slime around the people unknown to the carrier at all. I suddenly heard a voice

“What are you doing?”

I looked around my eyes wide and my head circling as I tried to decipher where the voice was coming from

“Who are you? What is this” I asked

“This is a glimpse into the spiritual realm” the voice responded. “Everything you see here is two kingdoms constantly at war, The colours, the lights, the peace, they are all mine, but this blackness this darkness and vile filth it is not of my kingdom”

“Why don’t you get rid of it?” I asked

“Because that is your Job” the voice quickly replied

“No It isn’t, I don’t have the power, you can’t use me, I am not perfect, this is someone else’s Job!”

“That’s what everyone seems to think“ The voice responded “If everyone else says this is someone else’s Job how much work do you think gets done? I have chosen you and everyone like you and given you the commission to do my work. Its written plainly in my book but no one seems to read what I have said. Yes they read it but they don’t apply it, The speak it but they don’t practice it, and they even show it to others when they themselves have never even attempted to try. It’s all been given to you!

“But how come I never feel any different?”

“Why are you waiting for a feeling? Haven’t I already commanded you to do so? In Matthew it says Go and announce that the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received. You don’t need to wait for any feeling I have given you the command already.

“Then show me who to go to”

“Go to everyone To everyone, if I showed you everyone to go to then you wouldn’t be living by faith would you?”

I pondered this for a moment realizing suddenly that no work would ever get done if everyone made the excuse that the job that they didn’t want to do was someone else’s to take up then nothing would ever get done

“Will you touch them if I go?” I asked

"Will I touch them if you go? What kind of a question is that how many times in my book did my Son heal those who came to him?"

Matthew 4:24 people soon began bringing to him ALL who were sick, and whatever their sickness or disease, or if they were demon possessed or epileptic or paralyzed he healed them ALL

Matthew 8:3 Jesus reached out and touched him “I am willing” he said “Be healed” and INSTANTLY the leprosy disappeared.

Matthew 8:15 But when Jesus touched her hand , the fever LEFT her.

Matthew 8: 16 He cast out evil spirits with a Simple command

Matthew 9:25 Jesus went in and he took her by the hand and she stood up

Mathew 9: 29 He touched their eyes and said “Because of your faith it will happen then their eyes were opened

Matthew 12:13 “Hold out your hand” and it was restored just like the other one

Matthew 14:35 And soon the people were bringing All of their sick to be healed they begged him to let them touch the fringe of his robe and All who touched him were healed

Matthew 15:30 A vast crowd brought to him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn’t speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and he healed them ALL. The Crowd was amazed! Those who hadn’t been able to speak were talking, the crippled were made well, the lame were walking, and the blind could see again.

“Listen I could go on and On, and this is just one of my books. You have the power”

Matthew 16:19 And I will give you the keys to the kingdom whatever you forbid in the earth will be forbidden in Heaven and whatever you permit in Heaven will be permitted on earth.

“I have even Given you the Keys, you are always crying out to me to fix the problem when you have the solution. Don’t ask me just do! For you have been given all authority and power. Like I told my servant Moses in Exodus Why are you crying out to me take YOUR hand and stretch YOUR rod over the waters and Part the sea. So go and do it! You have no excuse. Dare to believe me and what I say is true, Dare to believe what my word says. If I say I will do it it shall be done!

“Well I guess you do have a good point” I said after listening to all of this” I answered “But where do I start?” I asked

“Open your Eyes, just because you don’t see the hurt doesn’t mean it isn’t there, but how bout you start with the man you just passed.”

I turned around and looked at the man I had passed. He had tons of the Black and red Goop hanging off of him and the yellow pus trailed behind him on the floor.

Remember you are strong you hold all the power there is no need to ask for more because I have already released everything! You have the keys, take a hold of the authority you carry as a son command out of that place and don’t beg like a servant for you are much more dear to me then that! No go and do as I have commanded and shown.

The light dimmed and noise met my ears once more. The familiar food court noises. The sound of kids crying, yelling from smaller children, people ordering at the food places, and then a noise that I didn’t like. The click… click… click… of the man crutches on the floor.

I turned and saw the man stumbling away.

“Hey!” I yelled and ran after the man I came up behind him tapped him and the shoulder and said “I need to ask you something?

“yes” he said

“Would you like to feel better” he looked at me and studied me for a moment

“What do you mean he asked”

And that where the story begins!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Scattering of the Seed!

Listen a farmer went out to plant some seeds. As he scattered them across his field some fell on a footpath, and the birds came and ate them, others fell on the shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow but the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots they died. Other seeds fell among the thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants . Still other seeds fell on fertile soil and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even one hundred times as much as had been planted! Anyone that has ears to hear should listen and understand

Matthew 13:3-9

As I read this chapter I was caught up in the spirit and taken to Heaven. I stood on a solid gold floor and I stood in what looked liked chaffed wheat. In front of me was a bag and two angels stood in front of a doorway. They were clothed in white and they each held bags woven from brown cloth. I could not see their faces but one turned to me and said.

“Welcome to the Granaries of heaven, are you ready to partake in the sowing of the seed”

I looked around me and now realized what I was actually standing in. I was surrounded by great big grain bins cast from solid gold. They gleamed and light seemed to be emanating from them. Great doors sealed the bins shut and guardian angles stood in front of the doors.

“Yes” was my only reply
The angel on the left of the doorway said

“Then let it begin”

I heard a shuffling of feet to my right and turned and saw about 20 figures moving toward the largest grain bin. They looked like little children and wore all different types of clothes. Some were black little kids in overalls and that’s it. Some wore polo t-shirts but they giggled and ran towards the giant angel. They formed two lines 10 on each side and then one kid on the end of one of the lines turned to me. His hair was blonde he was wearing a giant white night shirt that was way to many sizes to big. He wore light brown jeans and he had bare feet. His little brown cap and freckles made him even more childlike. He had a strand of grain sticking out of his mouth and he smiled and asked

“You coming?”

He motioned for me to step forward and I did but as I neared the group of small children they parted and made a pathway for me to walk straight to the font. I stood in front of the large guardian angel and looked up to his face. He must have been 15 ft tall he looked down at me and pierced me with his emerald green eyes. His dark stubble lined his well carved jaw line and his brown hair curly and hung loosely by his shoulders. At trumpet sounded and echoed off of the walls of the grainary and then he smiled turned grabbed the handle of the door the grain bin and announced

“let the sewing begin.”

In a mighty effort he pushed the handle up and grunted as he tugged on the door. His muscles strained as the door began the give he let the door open just a crack and grain began to pour out of the crack. He smiled the Kids behind me began to laugh and giggle and then with a mighty push he flung open the door. The only thing I saw when he pushed open the door was a wall of seeds falling towards us kinda like in the cartoons when the door is opened and all the water cascades out of the door. The floor shook as a avalanche of grain spewed forth. In one giant motion it poured over us and then it went dark.

I opened my eyes to find my self staring at the world. It was just like a tiny globe floating in a area of nothingness. I reached out and touched it and light rippled out from where I had touch leaving an imprint of my fingerprint on the earth.

“You have been given the power to release the seed of truth where ever you choose”

I turned to see the little child that had beckoned me earlier to come and join them. He sat there in the air floating the biggest smile on his face ever. His blue eyes glowed as he did a summersault in the weightlessness.

“Well go ahead spread some seed!” he urged

I looked down and in front of me was a giant bag of seed the same brown bag I had seen earlier. Its strap went up and rested comfortably on my shoulder. I swiped my hand through the grain in the bag and picked up a small handful. And let it filter through my hand back into the bag

“Go on, its easy!” he said now almost impatiently

So I picked up one little seed and threw it at my hometown Red Deer Alberta. It slowly floated through the air and then hit the earth. A little explosion of Gold dust in the shape of a mushroom cloud shot out. I picked up another seed and threw it at Toronto. Again it floated towards the earth and then poof! another tiny explosion.

“that’s it?”

I turned now the little boy was behind me and he had a puzzled look on his face “You have all that seed and that’s how you use it one at a time?”

“Well I don’t want to waste them” I replied the “truth should go where I know it will be received” so I turned back and began to throw them one at a time.

The little boy came in front of me and grabbed the next seed that I had thrown towards the earth he looked at it smiled and tossed it carelessly over his shoulder. It drifted through the air and hit Torino France. Poof another gold dust exposion

“Hey!” I yelled now a little more then annoyed “that was meant for somewhere else.”

“Your doing it wrong” said the little boy with a sly grin “Just because you don’t think truth wont be accepted doesn’t mean you don’t plant the seed!, here let me show you”

He grabbed a handful of the seed and threw it all at once onto the Continent of Africa with a little bit of Gusto. The seed rushed toward the earth and when it hit the ground it exploded much bigger then when I had been doing it. I grabbed about half a handful of seed and threw it at the earth. It landed on Greenland and Exploded in a brilliant flash of gold and other colours.

“See” said the child “ isn’t that a little more fun then one little truth in a spot where you think it should go?”

“Ya” I replied. again I put my hand into the bag and this time took out a huge handful and tossed it into the air and it drifted towards the earth and like a bunch of cap guns pop pop pop pop pop went the seeds explosions all around. I began to toss handful after handful onto the earth. Australia, Europe, Anartica, Aisia, Everywhere got some. Explosion after explosion gold and colours shot forth from the earth. After a strenuous amount of time of throwing the seeds of truth towards the earth I looked into my bag and realized that it was still full. I turned around to the small child with a puzzled look on my face.

“You humans are all the same!” laughed the little boy “you think you will run out of the truth, what you don’t realize is the earth will run out of humans before you run out of truth. There is never a lack to the truth of Gods word, and so there never will be a lack of the seed that can be born out of the truth nor the fruit that will be harvested out of the seed. Your bag will always remain full as long as you keep giving. The most interesting of things however is you will always have the same amount no matter how much you give. When you don’t give no truth has been sewn and the bag stays full, When you do sew truth the bag still stays full Which one would you rather be doing?”

I turned to the little boy and asked “What is your name?”

“Joshua” he replied

“Joshua?” I turned to him a question on the edge of my tongue

“Yes” he replied

“What does all of this mean?”

“It means you have been given a choice. You hold the seed of truth and it doesn’t matter where the seed falls or who you think will receive the seed. Your responsibility is to sew the seed all over the earth. In your home, your schools, and in the marketplace. It does not matter who you think is listening or who is paying attention what is important is you give all you know to be true. You spread it everywhere, and just like the tiny explosions some seed is always taking root. The cool thing is like you saw the more seed you throw the greater the explosion is because the greater the truth the more effect it will have and continual truth leads to continual planting.”

He took a deep breathe and let out a heavy sigh.

“Yes” I answered”
“Will you spread the truth?”
“I will do my best”

Then it all went black I opened my eyes to realize I was laying in my bed. My hands at my side and my bible was open on my chest Matthew 10:7 was written in Gold. Go and announce the kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received.

I heard the words of Joshua echo in my head “Travis? Will you spread the truth… the truth… the truth?”

“Yes” I said again out loud “quietly to my self now “I will spread the truth”

A soft wind filled my room and ruffled the pages of my bible the pages turned and landed on Matthew and again some words were highlighted in gold. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this I am with you always, even unto the end of the age! Matthew 28: 19-20