Friday, August 27, 2010

There are no problems only opportunities ~Dennis~

The level of intimacy you have with the Father is the level of struggle you can walk through in the world
He has a sheep in one hand but a sword in the other he can battle but still make the sheep feel safe and ok

Heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers drive out demons ya ya
I thank you that we always win through you
We are blessed and highly favoured because of who you have made us to be
Thank you for an understanding of who you have created us to be and the mission that you have for us here on this earth
Matthew 6:19 For where your treasure is there will your heart be also

Treasure can be all kind of things
I only live to please him (Christ) so what other people think it doesn’t matter

Where are you going? ~ How are you going to get there?

Genesis 37 Joseph knew he was called to greatness
When your super excited about what God has told you share it with other people who agree with you
After Joseph was sold into slavery this seemed like the farthest he could be from his destiny
Joseph could have been a downer for the rest of his life
But then the lord blessed him
Then Potiphars wife tried to sleep with him he refused
Was thrown into Prison and again pushed form his destiny again
He operated through integrity and then he was put in charge of the Jail

Joseph interpreted the Baker and wine taster dreams (A man of destiny often has insight into others) when you realize you are a man of destiny you have insight into other peoples destinies as well. He asked them when they got out to tell pharaoh about him.

How did Joseph handle disappointment and promotion
How Joseph handled both of these determined how his destiny came about he walked in integrity and character while serving the lord

We have to know our dreams and where we are going our dreams have to be so big no matter where we go everything that come before us has to serve our dream

There are no problems only opportunities ~Dennis~

Don’t let disappointment to rule your life don’t react to life Respond to it. You are in control of your destiny not your circumstances

When you take situation personally you operate out of flesh instead of out your spirit out of your identity out of who you are and situation have to bow to you.

My friendship isn’t based out of what he has done he’s a jerk whatever my friendship is based out of him being made in the image of God just like me.

If you have a core value of no situation is ever to big or I already have already victory over every situation then you’ll be fine

I will never face anything in my life that will not push me closer to my destiny

We abort our dreams sometimes over the fact that we feel uncomfortable in certain situations when in fact the situation we are in is something that is put in front of us to put us closer to our destinies.

Mark 6 Jesus was a leader. Jesus intended to pass them by when they were straining at the oars Why?
He had already given them the tools to overcome the storm. Jesus has already given us the tools to help us walk through the storms in ours lives.

They had been focusing on the storm instead of focusing on the fact that Jesus had commanded them to go to the other side.

Jesus is like lets go change the world!
He just figures that we are going to do it. He plans on us winning all the time.

Measure of a man is not what he can do but the storms he can overcome through integrity and stay steadfast

What ever you place your value on is what you will spend your time looking at thinking about and turning your affections towards

Matthew 10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

What value you place on any situation increases the ability for however much value you have on something is the ability is has to change your life

Value equals influence
What ever you believe has the greatest ability to affect you. You will place a value on that thing
Most Christians believe situation around them can affect them more then God
What you spend your most time thinking about will have the most ability to affect you
The instant you place value on a situation it has the power to influence
Don’t be ignorant of the situation in your life but know that God has the power to help you overcome it
If you know to Worry you know how to meditate

Genesis 30:31 You re-produce what you are looking at what
You do not become what you want to become if you are focusing on something else
You become what you are constantly aware of

We know we are the sons and daughter of God
Start to spend time dreaming with God listening to his voice for you
What am I doing and running for in my life?
Get that so engrained in who you are!
Look at the aspects you need to achieve your goals and focus on that and start to train yourself to fill yourself with light so you become explosive with light it’s the only thing inside of you

You can only expel what lies inside of you if its not in there you can give it out. If you focus all the time on negativity you won’t be able to give out positive stuff you only put out what come in. If sewage comes in then you can’t expel water.

What does this look like in your life? how do you approach difficulties to see every situation as an opportunity. How can you in the next couple weeks and Months allow only light and life into your life

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