Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WHO and WHAT are you fighting for?

Ille fight for my family, and ille fight for my friends
Ille fight for what’s right ille fight to the end

For my brother, my sister my mom and my dad
for my Saviour and friend against all that is bad

Ille for my life ille fight and be strong
Ill war against dark all night long

Yes ille fight through the day and ille fight through the night
Ille fight and ille fight until I see light

Ille fight for my future wife cause she’s worth it
Ille fight for her strongly cause man she deserves it

Against abuse and those who cannot speak
Their voices cut off with a sudden shriek

Ille fight for the lost, the broken, afraid
Ille fight for their lives even if I meet the blade

Ille give my life for the ones i love
Ill fight till I see they holy ones dove

Ille carry on through the thick and the thin
Cause the darkness around me cannot win

Ille bring down the wall that are holding strong
Holding in captives all day long

Out on the streets those who are looking for love
I know the Saviours watching them up from above

Ill fight for the broken, confused and afraid
Ille fight the darkness wave after wave
Ille fight for my life to show my affection

My affection to my creator above
Who is always looking down, down on me in love

Even if their dead I sure wont stop
Cause death doesn’t win Jesus broke that lock

I have the power Jesus gave it me
He handed you the keys check Matthew 16:19

Ille fight for the baby unborn in the womb
Who’s parents are taking convince and creating a tomb

Ille fight to speak what comes out of my heart
Cause ille start a fire all I need is a spark

My Jesus fought death he paid the price for me
On Calvary he died nailed to a tree

He went down to hell, and he took on death
He won and he earned me every new breath

So if he fought foe me, then I owe what is due
Ille just keep on fighting and fighting , im bringing the new

Now the Devils defeated but he isn’t that dumb
He sure can tell lies and we sometimes believe them

So church wake up, me must rise to the call
Of a nation that crying for the answers to all

I know we don’t know everything
But we got power to back up cause we stand by the king

So do the stuff, the sign and wonders
Show the power and lets bring the thunder

Time to go and knock on hells door
And strip down the devil right to his core

Lets show the world this liar and fiend
It time we come back and its time we redeem

What the devil had taken out of our hands
Were putting on our armour and were taking this land.
Cause when that time comes Christ will shine brilliantly

He will come in his glory and come in his power
And every knee will bow announcing louder

What he’s done for the world, what he’s done for us all
He made it all possible by knocking down the wall

The wall that separated us from God and new life
And dying for a world in strife

So God now forgives us that is clear
So lets be vulnerable and show no more fear

Ille fight for all this, and ille fight for his kingdom
Let all go out cause it time to win them!

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