Monday, July 12, 2010

You have the Power

You see a person in the mall hobbling along their crutches have formed ugly calices on their arms and their uninjured leg is weary from being the only support. Muscles begin to form on the arm as the injured leg begins to lose all muscle from lack of use. You see them and smile as you walk past them and although they try and smile back you see the pain in their eyes, you see the chains that bind them. You pass them and all of a sudden everything stops and freezes you alone stand in the shopping mall aware of what has happened. You look around but you see nobody the only thing different is everything is Glowing and people are different. You scan the food court and see that some people are glowing. Colours of bright blue, purple, and orange hover over some people and what seem like ribbons circle around them. The colours give you peace. Others have weird strange shapes fallowing them around the shapes move quickly in a jolty pixely type fashion very spurattic. Then some have disgusting black and red almost snake like threads encircling them leaving a yellowish pus in their trail. They slither and slime around the people unknown to the carrier at all. I suddenly heard a voice

“What are you doing?”

I looked around my eyes wide and my head circling as I tried to decipher where the voice was coming from

“Who are you? What is this” I asked

“This is a glimpse into the spiritual realm” the voice responded. “Everything you see here is two kingdoms constantly at war, The colours, the lights, the peace, they are all mine, but this blackness this darkness and vile filth it is not of my kingdom”

“Why don’t you get rid of it?” I asked

“Because that is your Job” the voice quickly replied

“No It isn’t, I don’t have the power, you can’t use me, I am not perfect, this is someone else’s Job!”

“That’s what everyone seems to think“ The voice responded “If everyone else says this is someone else’s Job how much work do you think gets done? I have chosen you and everyone like you and given you the commission to do my work. Its written plainly in my book but no one seems to read what I have said. Yes they read it but they don’t apply it, The speak it but they don’t practice it, and they even show it to others when they themselves have never even attempted to try. It’s all been given to you!

“But how come I never feel any different?”

“Why are you waiting for a feeling? Haven’t I already commanded you to do so? In Matthew it says Go and announce that the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received. You don’t need to wait for any feeling I have given you the command already.

“Then show me who to go to”

“Go to everyone To everyone, if I showed you everyone to go to then you wouldn’t be living by faith would you?”

I pondered this for a moment realizing suddenly that no work would ever get done if everyone made the excuse that the job that they didn’t want to do was someone else’s to take up then nothing would ever get done

“Will you touch them if I go?” I asked

"Will I touch them if you go? What kind of a question is that how many times in my book did my Son heal those who came to him?"

Matthew 4:24 people soon began bringing to him ALL who were sick, and whatever their sickness or disease, or if they were demon possessed or epileptic or paralyzed he healed them ALL

Matthew 8:3 Jesus reached out and touched him “I am willing” he said “Be healed” and INSTANTLY the leprosy disappeared.

Matthew 8:15 But when Jesus touched her hand , the fever LEFT her.

Matthew 8: 16 He cast out evil spirits with a Simple command

Matthew 9:25 Jesus went in and he took her by the hand and she stood up

Mathew 9: 29 He touched their eyes and said “Because of your faith it will happen then their eyes were opened

Matthew 12:13 “Hold out your hand” and it was restored just like the other one

Matthew 14:35 And soon the people were bringing All of their sick to be healed they begged him to let them touch the fringe of his robe and All who touched him were healed

Matthew 15:30 A vast crowd brought to him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn’t speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and he healed them ALL. The Crowd was amazed! Those who hadn’t been able to speak were talking, the crippled were made well, the lame were walking, and the blind could see again.

“Listen I could go on and On, and this is just one of my books. You have the power”

Matthew 16:19 And I will give you the keys to the kingdom whatever you forbid in the earth will be forbidden in Heaven and whatever you permit in Heaven will be permitted on earth.

“I have even Given you the Keys, you are always crying out to me to fix the problem when you have the solution. Don’t ask me just do! For you have been given all authority and power. Like I told my servant Moses in Exodus Why are you crying out to me take YOUR hand and stretch YOUR rod over the waters and Part the sea. So go and do it! You have no excuse. Dare to believe me and what I say is true, Dare to believe what my word says. If I say I will do it it shall be done!

“Well I guess you do have a good point” I said after listening to all of this” I answered “But where do I start?” I asked

“Open your Eyes, just because you don’t see the hurt doesn’t mean it isn’t there, but how bout you start with the man you just passed.”

I turned around and looked at the man I had passed. He had tons of the Black and red Goop hanging off of him and the yellow pus trailed behind him on the floor.

Remember you are strong you hold all the power there is no need to ask for more because I have already released everything! You have the keys, take a hold of the authority you carry as a son command out of that place and don’t beg like a servant for you are much more dear to me then that! No go and do as I have commanded and shown.

The light dimmed and noise met my ears once more. The familiar food court noises. The sound of kids crying, yelling from smaller children, people ordering at the food places, and then a noise that I didn’t like. The click… click… click… of the man crutches on the floor.

I turned and saw the man stumbling away.

“Hey!” I yelled and ran after the man I came up behind him tapped him and the shoulder and said “I need to ask you something?

“yes” he said

“Would you like to feel better” he looked at me and studied me for a moment

“What do you mean he asked”

And that where the story begins!

1 comment:

  1. That's very cool! I especially like the ending...where the story begins! That is so true!
