Wednesday, May 5, 2010


What is trust? I was just thinking the other day and realized that even if you don’t realize it we put a lot of trust in people around us and in the stuff in our life.

The dictionary defines trust as this; to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on to believe or to hope If your reading this right now saying what-ever I don’t have trust in anybody or hope in anything. Well allow me to prove you wrong.

If your reading this on your computer you probably had to plug your computer into the wall. The second you put the plug into the socket you expected something. You trusted that electricity would flow through the wires and into your computer. If your reading this at the airport or on the go your probably trusting on your battery to be working and your computer not to crash. You might have a glass of water with you beside your computer to drink while you surf the web. How do you know its not poisoned? I highly doubt you did a ph test on the water that your drinking! Cool how you trust that the water is safe, how you trust in the water treatment plant and pipes to get the H2O to your cup. I might guess as well that you probably drove a motor vehicle sometime today. Weather a car, a truck, or even a motorcycle you trusted in many things. You trusted that your garage door would open the second you hit the red button. You trusted that you would hear a familiar purring sound the second you turned the key in your vehicle. How did you know there wasn’t a car bomb on the bottom of your vehicle? Well you trusted that your security alarm works and that since you didn’t hear anything last night while you slept everything is ok. You trusted in your brakes on the road all day long. That the second you hit the pedal you trusted that the mechanical and electrical systems were all in tact to bring you safely to a stop. You trusted in the lights turning and changing colours to help direct traffic as you drove around town. You might have put your card into the debit machine today and withdrawn money how do you know your bank hasn’t recently embezzled your money.

I TRUST your beginning to get the idea. I could do this all day.

You go to the restaurant and order food and drink how do you know its safe? You click the power button on the remote to your TV how do you know its going to turn on? You flick the light to your light switch how do you know that your eyes are soon going to be met with a bulb doing its best to imitate the sun? You climb the steps to your office at work how do you know all the bolts are going to hold? You sit down on your chair how do you know the legs aren’t going to break? You are sitting in a house right now how do you know that the roof isn’t going to cave in? You flip open your cell phone how do you know your going to be able to call whoever you are trying to reach? You go to the butchers to get some meat, how do you know he isn’t going to stab you with that knife that he is holding? You call 911 how do you know someone’s going to be on the other end of the line. It all points to trust. Weather you realize it or not you do have trust and or confidence in many things.

The thing that struck me while I was writing this the most was how much trust we place on appliances and electronic things, but how little trust we place on the people involved in our lives. If you look at society today everyone is very interdependent or at least I know I am. I like depending on myself not really opening the door to trust in others and I think that it is a major problem.

There are 2 verses in psalms that I would like to refer to that offer a great opinion on this matter. There verses are psalms 18:2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. The other verse is psalms 25:2 in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.

It is my opinion that this is what trust is supposed to look like and how it should work. The more we trust in others the more of a fortress we build around ourselves. The more we trust the more protection we will receive. The more we trust and the more we begin to rely on others the greater our strength through unity becomes and the less ashamed we feel because those around us make us feel greater and stronger. Finally if you let trust be your guide, in the presence of trust there is no room for fear. With trust fear has no home and with trust as your guide your life will change with all your victories and your failures. Through your failures you will grow and through your victories you will become stronger So today I challenge you to trust, I dare you to trust and in that trust step out and let your Life shine!!!!!

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