Friday, March 12, 2010

Words of Wisdom :)

I often wonder if I am the only one who doesn’t know who I am or what I am supposed to do with my life. Talking with others this past month has made me realize many people feel the same as I do. There was someone today who really helped me out in this situation I am in so I thought I would share her words of Wisdom.

I told her about how I have no clue what I want to do and everyone has all these dreams and I really don’t have any. She was like don’t worry about it. Its ok to not know what you want to do. Your only 18 and your still figuring out who you are. If you chase a dream before you know who you are, then you may end up doing something that you were never created to do. You will know what you love because that is the thing that you will keep going back to. She Said

“If I were put in a Cardboard box and all I would be doing was acting I would be happy because that’s what I love.”

You throw all your cards in and put all your eggs in one basket and even if you fail you will still do it. Because it’s the only thing you know. it’s the only thing that makes you feel like you inside. Its like a tree. The blossoms come before the leaves or the fruit without the blossoms, you will have no fruit. Make sure you know who you are before you chase your dreams. So don’t worry if you don’t know what you are supposed to do, or who you are supposed to be. You still have lots of time.

So find out who you are. What makes you happy, what you could do forever even if there was no reward. Find what satisfies you on the inside, and keeps you going. Find that one thing and run with it. Find that one thing and chase it throughout your life time. Find that one thing and your life will indeed be a good one.

Special thanks to Maggie and Gabriel for your insight i love you guys!

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