Monday, March 1, 2010

Emotions and Feelings making a Difference

I’ve been thinking about this all day today so I thought I might as well sit down and write about it. I was watching Peter Pan yesterday the one with real people in it and I find it so cool how the weather changes in Neverland depending on how Peter pan is feeling. When he comes back all the snow melts and the Ice breaks. When he is happy the sun shines, and when he is sad the clouds form and it begins to rain and snow.

The thought that has been penetrating my mind all day today was what if? What if this was how the weather worked here on our planet earth? What if our worlds storms and sunny days were not a result of precipitation or humidity in the air, but were dependent on the emotions and feelings of the people throughout the world. Lets imagine for a moment what this could maybe look like.

A mother has just lost her only son and on the day of the funeral the heavens pour out water, just like the mothers tears falling down her cheeks. Countless people are being abused and used over in Thailand where hatred and pain mixes together to create terrible destructive storms, and is it any surprise its just like the storms brewing inside of many of the people there. The sun shines wildly as a mother cries for joy at the sight of her newborn baby. A tropical storm ravishes the coast as a gang member has just been shot. A hail storm wipes out an entire crop because a farmer just abused his wife the day before. A rainbow colors the dull gray sky as a nervous young man proposes to the women who he has always dreamed of spending the rest of his life with. Now I know some of these can be possible, and some of them are a little far fetched. But how true could it be that our feelings and emotions cause things to happen?

Is it not true that we do and can change atmosphere with how we act and feel? Is it not true smiling at someone uses less muscles then frowning? Maybe it was meant to be. Studies have been done that show smiling really does change the atmosphere in a room. And Laughing is good for you. May I propose to you that we could maybe start smiling more and maybe we wouldn’t have to worry about storms anymore. Think about it! If one smile can change the grumpy atmosphere in one room. How much more could be changed if everyone smiled and laughed?

Maybe the world would be in a better mood if we were in a better mood. Not that im saying im right and that I know what I am talking about. But think about it for a moment. One smile you get a changed room. One million smiles no more tropical storms or tornadoes, or hail. Just rain, sunshine and nice days. So why don’t we start doing what out bodies were wired to do. Smile today! Why? Its easier. Laugh a little! Why? Its healthier. At the end of the day who knows what you may have done. Your little smile or unique laugh could affect the world. Give it a try!!!

1 comment:

  1. hmmm that's good. It cool to see someone who has a different view of the peter pan part with the weather changing than what I have. and smiling is a lot more fun! :)
