Friday, February 26, 2010

Heaven Encounter

I was suddenly hit by a wall of light and my veins bulged as anticipation filled my chest. I felt the Savior's breath flow down my back . I felt his love fill my heart. His tingles filled my feet and his words fill my mind. I looked around and I was in a white room and before me was a throne made of white marble i stood in a chalky white substance like grounded up limestone. Ashes swept past me but it was a sweet fragrance that filled my nose not the smell of sulfur like you would have expected. I heard the words Holy, Holy, Holy as the ashes swept by my face. I heard a voice in my head say that those were the ashes of all of the martyrs who had been burned at the stake. And even thought there flesh was dead it still praised the lord because he was so awesome and great.

I looked up and I saw two colours rushing towards me a blue water flooded my sight and a great fire came from the side and threw me off of my feet onto my back. As I lay on a ground a light appeared above my chest and started to pulsate and it emitted waves off light. The fire and water was still around me and I looked up trough the light and I was gazing upon the face of the father but it was like I was looking up through water, and ripples were appearing out of the top. A hand came through water, fire, and light stopped and right above me. I grabbed the hand and shivers vibrated down my arm and my arm came alive. I felt as if I had been electrocuted yet I felt no pain at all. The hand pulled me out of the substance that had crowded around me and I stood to my feet.

I was once again alone in the white room but now there was no longer a throne room. I looked around and I noticed something was different to my right a pool of crimson was forming a looked at it and I realized it was slowly growing my gaze was drawn to the center where it was bubble and my gaze was fixated upon it. It grew slowly at first but then it began to rapidly grow I could not take my eyes off of it and soon the whole room was covered in the liquid. It began to rise and it got to the point where it came up to my feet and the second it touched my toes I was paralyzed not with fear but with a compassion for the lost, the hungry, the broken, the weak, the defenseless, the mourners, and the sick in spirit. I felt the fathers heart for each one, my ears rang as each prayer to the lord was perceived by my mind. I felt their pain and tears formed in my eyes.

Soon sobs filled the room as my voice echoed off of the walls as my heart cried out for Justice to come and have its way. A holy fire filled my body and I began to dance in the crimson rose colored water. Every time I moved ripples transpired over the surface in the room. The ripples turned into waves and crashed against the walls. Shaking the room. I threw my head back and yelled as loud as I could. A wind hit my face and a rushing sound like water met my ears.

Suddenly my body felt warm I opened my eyes and realized that I was now submerged in the liquid I held my breath afraid of what might meet my lungs if I let go of the air I had just received. Would I suffocate if I released my breath? What would happen to me? Reluctantly I let go of the breath that I had held so dear and to my surprise i was met with the most amazing feeling ever the most refreshing breath I had ever breathed came to my body. I realized that breathing through the rose colored water was much better then what the world had to offer.

Suddenly the ground shook and a crack appeared in the ground by my feet and suddenly out of the redness a cross shot up as all of the water disappeared the cross was dripping with the remains of the water. The cross stood tall and strong I forced myself to walk towards it and I struggled with every step but I knew I had to get there. Every step I took I felt resistance but I kept going a inner drive filled my heart as I desired my body to move forward it did. I at last made it to the foot of the cross as I reached the base I fell to my knees and leaned my head onto the wood.

The second my forehead touched the wood. Light filled my mind I lost all comprehension of what I was feeling and doing. I saw flashbacks of my entire life the bad and the good every trial I had faced flew through my mind but the one thing that remained the same in every picture was that Jesus was standing right beside me smiling. Even though I couldn’t see him he could see me and he was with me and I knew right then that he was so proud of me and the person I had become. He died for me. He knew me before I was born. He choose me first because he knew that I would choose him. He saw the end of my life before it even began. He knew every mistake I had ever made and was going to make. He knew every good thing I was going to do, every miracle I was going to see and every life I was going to change and effect, every nation I would impact and every thought I would ever think. He is my daddy and he loves me with a overwhelming passion. He loves me so much that he died for me and that he can’t wait to see me as I join him in his heavenly kingdom.

Suddenly I opened my eyes and found myself kneeling by the side of my bed with my head up against my mattress and my hands clasped together I opened my hands and there was a envelope. I opened it up and inside was a piece of paper that said I am your and you are mine. Who you are, is Whose you are since I am in you are in me and I love you. Go to sleep and dream of me, not only of me but with me and your dreams will come to pass, and your destiny will surpass all that you thought could be possible. A tear fell from my eye and landed on the paper and the paper suddenly burst into gold dust. I smiled looked up and on my bed was a rose. And beside it another note, it read; Come away with me my beloved to a place where your heart will find rest and be satisfied. I created you and I made your heart and you will only ever be truly satisfied if you have me.

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