Friday, February 26, 2010


There is no feeling like it. I can’t even begin to describe how I felt inside. My tummy was all turned in knots, and my head fluttered with thoughts bouncing around in my brain. Everything in my life had lead to this moment. The roar of the crowd filled my ears as I climbed the steps. One step then two then three. When I got to the top I looked around the lights were shining on me. Every eye that wasn’t gazing upon the Father was now turned in my direction waiting for my body to be submerged under the water.

I took my first step toward a new beginning. Down the first step. The water was warm to the touch. The steam wrapped itself around my body like invisible fingers in anticipation, as if trying to get me to go under faster. The roar of the crowd dulled and I no longer heard the cries of my brothers shouting and praising that my life was already beginning to change. The only words I could hear were the voices of the saints on the platform beside me singing . Oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh .Higher and Higher, Higher and Higher. With tears running down my face I looked up and the lights caught the drops of salt water running down my face. They were like diamonds to the crowd, falling and as they hit the water a tiny crown formed as the water splashed up. The light was so intense the feeling inside so gut wrenching. I knew now that there was no turning back.

But why would I? everyone was in the room was cheering me on, there could be no place better then kneeling in the water my life about the be fully surrendered to God. This was my public confession of faith and I didn’t care who knew it. A hand came to my chest and I heard a whisper in my ear. “Are you ready?” what kind of question was that. Am I ready? Am I ready to give my life in total abandonment to Christ? Am I ready to surrender my will to him? Am I ready to get rid of the old man and realize that the new man inside is better? Am I ready to say I am yours lord Jesus? Was I ready?

The only word that came to my lips was, Yes!! As I said this one last tear fell from my eyes trailed down my cheek and fell to the water below. With it went all my sin, all my shame, all guilt and sorrow, all the chains. Everything that was holding me back from intimacy with my father In heaven disappeared. Eric’s hand supported my back and he said. “Upon you public confession of faith I baptize you now in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” With that I felt myself falling back but it wasn’t scary. It was only the most exhilarating feeling ever. A warmness met my back I felt like I was falling through a bunch of silken sheets as my body moved to the bottom of the pool. The water enclosed me and wrapped me up and overtook my body. I felt as if the father was wrapping me in the softest blanket ever.

And then I felt my body begin to rise. My head shot out of the water and I seemed to fly towards the light. Next my shoulders came out and then my chest and then I stood standing in the pool the ripples from my explosion pushed waves of water over the edge. Then I did what any ordinary person would do who just had a 1000 pound weight lifted from their shoulders. I threw my arms in the air and I pushed as much air out of my lungs as possible. My throat tightened, my jugular strained, and my heart started pumping. My chest tightened, and my voice broke the silence.

A war cry went out to the armies of hell, to the old, toothless, lion who sits on his makeshift throne surrounded by lies. I yelled as loud and as long as my body would allow, I sounded my warning call letting the evil one know that he no longer held me in chains, that I was free and that I would be coming to smite him down. I would show up with many others, others who had been freed from his trap and we would break his gates down and set all of the captives free. We would heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, heal the broken hearted, and raise the Dead. There is no more victory for him because there can only be one winner and it wasn’t him.

I once again became aware of where I was. I was standing in a pool with my arms in the air I was out of breath and the smile on my face could not be erased. I turned and saw Eric there smiling as well. I gave him a great big hug and then I began my accent up the stairs. First one, then two, then three steps. I left the pool to the sound of a great roar, it was over I had been freed. The old man was dead and the new man was free. Free to wreak havoc on earth for the Kingdom of Heaven. Off to get dry and change my clothes what a great day to be Alive

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