Thursday, February 25, 2010

True Scilence!

How often do we stop to sit and take in the silence? When we sit down and stop to listen is it really true silence? What is true silence? Do we even know what to looks like? Take a second to stop and listen to that so called silence. What is hidden in the noise of our lives? What is it you hear in the silence? Here is what I heard today.

The cooing of Pigeons, the clinking of pop bottles being thrown into the recycle bin. Tweeting and chirping of birds, the sounds of many cars in the distance. A distant radio on the deck of a porch, the creaking of someone walking up the stairs beside you. The croaking of frogs down in the creek. Jingling of keys on a key chain. The droan of an airplane flying overhead. The fluttering of pages as the wind flips the pages of my bible. The hum of an idle car, and the purring of the engine when life is released as the human puts his foot on the gas pedal. Voices, some talking some laughing, some loud and some quiet. A distant thud like the sound of a drum even though that is what it is not. The flapping of wings, the sound of the trash being thrown in the garbage bin. The clicking of my pen as I wait for the next sound. A Harley Vroooms off into the day. The barking of a dog, the sound of footstep behind me as the thud goes to a crunch as the feet change from asphalt to gravel. A cough from a man who’s lungs are agitated from a cold.

So is this silence? Or are these just the quiet voices of individual sounds that when mixed together create the dull roar of everyday sounds that we hear. How often do we stop to hear everyone’s voices. MY challenge to you today is to stop and acknowledge the sounds of our day to day lives. Take a moment to listen. To discover the silence. You may be surprised perhaps there is something hiding in the “silence” something you never heard before.

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