Friday, March 5, 2010

Lord of the Dance

Dancing What a cool way to express yourself. What an exciting way to release your emotions and feelings into the atmosphere. What a great way to experience the awesomeness of human anatomy. Every muscle moving to the beat. Every bone bending, every nerve sensing your whole body feeling the air moving around you as you sway back and forth. Everyone has a dance If you have not yet found it I challenge you to look for it to seek it out.

I dance as a warrior my fist swinging, my movements jolting but flowing to the sound of the drum. As the bass vibrates the bleachers below me, my feet contribute to the noise as they stamp up and down as my sudden movements help shake my platform.

Then I am a lover. Delicate, tender, my arms moving in a rhythmic pattern, my hands swirling and my body twirling like a scarlet cloth being blown in the wind.

Then I am a child my face beams and my body explodes as I try and release the excitement I feel inside. My hands shake as I jump up and down not caring about my movements anymore just trying to expend as much energy as I can while the music’s playing. I feel so silly as I bounce up and down, twirling in circles till I get dizzy and almost fall over. I run back and forth and laugh as I try and sing the words to the song being played.

Then I am still, resting, but still dancing, or at least my heart is. Still moving in response as the piano players fingers sweep across the keys pressing down on the keyboard. Then my ears hum and the bass and violin mix they form a sound so sweet it can only be described in terms of your ears understanding because words alone are not enough to explain the sound waves crashing into your body. Then the drums pick up again and as the sound escalates they mix together like that of vegetables being thrown into a blender. The final result something purely amazing something that feeds the hunger in your soul.

There is something so magical about the way a dancer shows how they feel. Every step leaves a footprint, every move requires a heartbeat, that’s how the dancers space is created. Their hands sweep through the air pushing unseen particles in all sorts of directions, the tiniest movement creating an energy like that of ripples from the tiniest rock that has been thrown into a pond.

The audience whoever it may be is awestruck as the dancers move. Weather it be your mirror at home. Your family on the couch. Your friends at a party. Or an audience that has filled an entire auditorium.

Dancing is a way to be intimate. It can be a way to show the world the inner workings of your soul. It tells a story, it moves to a song. It involves many or few. Its is expressed in so many different ways and done in so many different shapes and forms. It is a multicultural dialect that everyone understands and it will continue to be used as such to explain the heart the mind and the soul.

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