Monday, May 24, 2010

I Dreamed a Dream

The wind was whistling in my ears. My hair was pushed back over the top of my head. My chest tightened I was falling. The air smelt crisp it was cool morning. Drops of water formed on my face as I passed through the clouds full of humidity. I was 20,000 km above the ground and I was falling but not fast. I was falling like a piece of paper tossed off a high skyscraper. I guess I wasn’t falling but I was drifting.

I looked behind me and Gus was close behind. Wearing that smile that always cracked me up. His eyes twinkled with a playfulness and he laughed and yelled oh herrow! He was wearing a sweater and his ball cap and he had a small black back pack on with his skateboard held in between the straps. His brown hair waved as the wind played with it. His blue jeans had holes in them and he wore his skater shoes.

I looked back to below me and I could see everything. From the different layers of clouds to the felids far below. Tiny houses scattered around in the fields made it look like a child’s play mat. I felt no fear as I drifted through the air, just peace. Weird I know but that’s how it felt. I laughed now I realized both of us did not have parachutes but yet again I felt now fear. Sploosh !! I shot through a very heavy precipitated cloud my clothes now soaked dripped with water. I look back behind me and Gus was still there, the only difference now he was soak as well. Yet his smile remained the same almost as if he had done this before.

I looked to my right and a dark cloud was now forming maybe about 1000 km below. It was almost to dark. Dark like the ones that bring summer thunder storms. It was forming so fast I could watch it grow bigger and bigger with my naked eye. They crazy thing was we were falling straight for it. Down, Down, Down we went and pretty soon we were right by it. The cloud was huge and just as we passed near the cloud CRACK a huge lightning bolt shot forth from the cloud. The bolt was like nothing I had ever seen before and it was incredible. It was a blue blot of lightning and flames were coming off of the bolt. Blue flames. It was super crazy and intense. The bolt of lightning didn’t make me jump, but it awakened something inside of me. It seemed to have jumped started every single cell in my body.

We kept falling down past the dark cloud and we began to get closer to layers of white puffy clouds. Whoof ! We passed through one. Swoosh! Another. Poof we past through another. We kept falling and falling down through layers of clouds. The only thing I could see now was white and then a quick burst of the blue sky around me and then white then blue then white then blue . White blue, white blue, white blue. It seem like those old fashion show reels except the only two slides were white and blue. Then Bam. My eyes teared up for a second and then cleared. There were no more clouds expect one way down below us. I could finally see again. The fields were closer now but still quite a ways off. The blue sky flaunted its color like new jacket and the sun just shone loosing rays of light through the atmosphere into the felids down below.

The last cloud was approaching rather quickly now. Closer and closer. I looked at it and it was defiantly different then every other cloud we had passed through. It looked like there were crops growing on the cloud but I couldn’t be certain. I thought we would pass through it just like we had every other cloud but we kept drifting down and then boing!!! I landed on it and was surprised at the cushiness I bounced up in the air once and then came to rest rather safely on the cloud. I looked around for Gus then I remembered he was still behind me and the moment I looked up there he was, and with that he fell into the cloud. Just like me he bounced once and then came to rest on the cloud. I stood now feeling a little uncomfortable at the fact I was standing on a cloud. Gus didn’t seem to mind though he just stood and bounded off a couple feet away. Yup they were crops alright, weird… they were planted in what looked like dirt and they were many different varieties of crops. I saw grain, wheat, canola, even some corn. I looked back over at Gus and he was on his hands and knees. Looking closely at they ground. With his face near the dirt he looked back up at me and smiled oh Gus. Then with out warning he pushed his hands down into the dirt and by his face you could tell he was trying to push the dirt away to reveal what was below.

As he tried to clear the dirt his motive was met with a different outcome then he expeced. The cloud separated and opened up revealing the ground below. A piece of the cloud drifted off and we were left to stare at what we now saw in the under part of the cloud. I saw crutches, wheelchairs, and cast just sitting there in the clouds. But ss well as all of the materialistic symbols of suffering I saw written words in the cloud. There were testimonies of people’s healings and it was a sight to behold. I didn’t really know what it meant I just stood there in awe at what I saw. I looked over at Gus and for the first time he didn’t have his regular smile on his face, his mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide. He looked over at me and asked

“Do you know what it means?”

I Dreamed a dream. I had this dream about a month ago and I thought it would be cool to write about. I do have the interpretation for it but I would like to know what you think it means. Feel free to voice your opinions.

1 comment:

  1. When I was a child I used to dream that I could fly. I think that your 'drifting through the clouds' is similar. The cloud with the crops where you dig through the dirt and see empty wheelchairs, casts, and crutches speaks to me as creative miracles. The 'crops' grow new body parts that are created for those with needs for healing. Once healed they leave behind their crutches, etc. You see all of this because you have a child-like faith to believe!
