Monday, May 31, 2010

The Pureness of True Freedom

Man today I got to be a part of something special, something great, something that one only gets to experience once or twice in a lifetime. Today was my first time but I guarantee you it wont be my last. Today I got to experience the joy, and the fullness of what true freedom looks like. Today I caught a glimpse of what true freedom really is.

I believe that it is safe to assume that most people would define freedom as being able to make your own choices and decisions on your own and while that may be true, many people are not completely free because they are still slaves to themselves.

Today was my last day of outreach and I am in the Drama outreach and we were having a year end party where we got to behold each other and just stand before our friends and let them speak as if it were God talking to us and encouraging us. It was great and all of us were blessed. But the part I want to get to is the time where I got a peek into what the Fathers heart of freedom truly is mixed in with the glorious explosion of someone realizing that it is great for people to see you. Her Freedom was shown as she let us behold her beauty and grace in a brilliant display of inhibited freedom.

Let me create a picture in your mind of what I caught sight of today. I watched a young woman slowly walk forward and come into the scene full of purpose. Every step was planned out executed in the most formidable fashion. She placed her feet carefully side by side and looked down at her toes staring and studying each one making sure they were in their proper places. She looked up and carefully removed the sunglasses from her face and as she did some of her blonde hair fell and covered her eyes. She brushed her hair back and tucked it neatly behind her ear. Her eyes were blue and shining like pearls in aqua blue water. She wore a green cap and her ponytail stuck out of the hole in the back of the cap. Her Red Plaid shirt hung loosely over her white shirt underneath. It was unbuttoned flapping gently in the light breeze and her shirt underneath had words that could not be made out as you only saw glimpses and pieces of it. She let out a deep sigh and hooked her thumbs in the pockets to her jean shorts that covered half of her tanned thighs revealing the strong tempered muscles of a well rounded dancer. She smiled and looked at us all individually then our leader asked her to dance as we let her know what the father had to say about her. She covered her face with her hat and released her emotions into it and looked up and raised and eyes brow and was like “Really?” Our leaders said “Yes just move to the music and let him tell you what he wants you to hear.

She began to sway back and forth first little movements “The Winds of Change… they are blowing, go and try out that new kite I bought you” then her arms swirled around her body and her movements were fluid and smooth. She swung her hips and spun in a circle as she stood on her tip toes and moved around “You are Beautiful!” a little hop here and a little hop there. “Don’t hide anything” A Jump and then a whip of her torso “Let it all out just be you!” A jump in the air and then a few quick steps “Show the world who you are, they are waiting for you” Now tears formed and dropped from her eyes and as she whipped he upper body in a smooth circle a tear flew through the air and caught a ray of sunlight, flashed, and then fell to the ground. She wiped off her shoulders and violently wiped off her knees as if removing a burden that had weighed her down for far to long. All who watched this spectacle it was if their breath had been stolen from them. No one moved they just watched as this moment unfolded before their very eyes. “Andrea don’t hold anything back just let us see you!” She jumped now as a smile light her face and laughter mixed in with her silent tears. Now there was not planned moves. She just bounded back and forth using as much energy as she could muster to get rid of the electricity that now filled her body. “Let us see you” She jumped back and forth her movement now released joy into the air. “Im Trying” she laughed now smiling from ear to ear. She jumped ,whirled, twirled, and danced all over the place now her breathing quickened as every muscle in her body tensed up. You could tell this is what it looked like to be free. Not a care in the world just running back and forth in a pure ecstasy of joy.

The moment felt right the atmosphere was so amazing. In this moment my focus was no longer on Andreal but my affection was turned towards God. The freedom of the moment was more then I had ever experienced before. I felt like laughing and crying, shouting, and dancing. The pureness I felt, the reality I was experiencing was like nothing I had ever even felt before. It was so good. The transparency of Andrea running back and forth on the edge side of the pool sharing her heart was enough to make anyone even with the hardest of hearts to melt and turn towards the Creator. Everyone stood with eyes turned towards heaven everyone smiled and took in the moment. Tears fell down our cheeks and then she was still. She stood on the edge of the pool her heart rejoicing and her silent tears fell to the ground. “Andrea I See You, Your beautiful, You make so many people happy, what you have inside of you is meant for everyone, you don’t Reflect the sun because you have a sun inside of you, you are going to show everyone the fun side of the Kingdom you know how to party, your real, thank you so much!” We all stood there in silence she looked at everyone her eyes piercing, I held her gaze and smiled and her heart smiled at me. She was now so happy a completely different person then the one who had stood before us just moments ago. Then after looking everyone in the eye she turned and walked off with a brand knew outlook on life of who she was and where she was going.

1 comment:

  1. I love it Travis! It makes me ask myself if I am totally and completely free. It also makes me picture myself as to what I would do if I was standing there at that moment and I was her!
