Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Man in a Wheelchair

Recently I had the privilege of praying for a man in a wheelchair who had MS, it made me so mad that I didn’t see any breakthrough. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no such thing as an ineffective prayer. I also know something did happen when I prayed even though I didn’t see any physical evidence. I prayed for over an hour and hope was in the room. I left very pissed off at the devil so I wrote this to clear my mind and change a few others out there about healing.

Dear, Man in a Wheelchair

I don’t know how you do it. Every morning you wake up and you can barely swing your legs over your bedside. You can’t stand up in the morning and stretch and yawn. You sit there and with great difficulty move yourself into that mobile prison. Once your in it you conjure up the strength in what muscles you have to either propel yourself around or painfully reach for that joystick on the end of your chair to move you around the house.

How long has it been since you were able to scrunch sand between your toes on the beach? How long has it been since you had to catch your breathe after chasing the one you love through green pastures? How long has it been since you felt the wind blowing through your hair as you stood on the edge of a cliff? How long has it been since you walked through the park observing the little children laughing and playing without a care in the world? How do you do it? How do you go on? What hope do you have left? What is it that compels you to carry on? Is there something inside of you that hopes for something greater, something like a answer to your sorrow, a solution to your problem.

I see the pain in your eyes when you look at me. I can feel your grief as I enter the room. The grass misses the touch of your feet. The gravel misses being kicked up, the water misses cooling your feet as you hang them off the side of the pool. The creator misses you smile. That’s right I know all about the Creator. The man who made you perfect and whole! I don’t know why and how you came to be like this but I know one thing. This stops today!!!

You see I know the secret to you getting well. I have the solution to your problem. His name is Jesus and he lives inside of me, and Mr your time in the wheelchair is over. You have no idea how much this prison pisses me off! It is robbing you of who you are and quenching you and slowly wearing you down. But do not worry I will not back down until you are well. You see it is inevitable WE WIN! So Mr stand up and Walk don’t let no one hold you down.

You will feel the grass beneath you feet again do you know why? Because I have the power. The power that raised Christ from the dead lives in me and I can’t help but want to set you free because I know it is possible and I know I can do it! So stand back and let God do what he does best, show off through people like me. That’s all I have to say but if there is one more think I could add. It would be don’t forsake hope, don’t give up because your day is coming where you will stand and dust will collect on that thing that once held you captive. End of Story do you know why? Because I say so!

Sincerely , Travis Young

If you are in a wheel chair and you are reading this God wants to heal you. There is no way you deserve to be in that thing. Right now I command a strength to arise over your body. I command all sickness and disease to wither and die. You illegal assignment from the pit of hell go back to you master. Wither and Die right now in Jesus name. I take authority over you and command you to loose your hold on that body. RIGHT NOW because I say so and I am a powerful person. We thank you lord that you are the author and finisher of our faith of all things good and perfect and right now I declare a perfect and whole body over you right now. I release the kingdom of God and everything from his kingdom into you right now. Thank you lord that you have the greatest exchange system in the whole world we give you our crap and you give us great and perfect gifts. We don’t deserve anything but through your death we are made whole. So thank you that you are the God of mercy, grace, love, hope, peace, and strength. But right now we release Gods destiny over your life. The timing for your healing is now and by his stripes you were healed. Notice how it is past tense receive your healing right now in Jesus name.


  1. Honestly Travis, if I ever need prayer for a healing or anything else I will come to you!
