Monday, May 31, 2010

The Pureness of True Freedom

Man today I got to be a part of something special, something great, something that one only gets to experience once or twice in a lifetime. Today was my first time but I guarantee you it wont be my last. Today I got to experience the joy, and the fullness of what true freedom looks like. Today I caught a glimpse of what true freedom really is.

I believe that it is safe to assume that most people would define freedom as being able to make your own choices and decisions on your own and while that may be true, many people are not completely free because they are still slaves to themselves.

Today was my last day of outreach and I am in the Drama outreach and we were having a year end party where we got to behold each other and just stand before our friends and let them speak as if it were God talking to us and encouraging us. It was great and all of us were blessed. But the part I want to get to is the time where I got a peek into what the Fathers heart of freedom truly is mixed in with the glorious explosion of someone realizing that it is great for people to see you. Her Freedom was shown as she let us behold her beauty and grace in a brilliant display of inhibited freedom.

Let me create a picture in your mind of what I caught sight of today. I watched a young woman slowly walk forward and come into the scene full of purpose. Every step was planned out executed in the most formidable fashion. She placed her feet carefully side by side and looked down at her toes staring and studying each one making sure they were in their proper places. She looked up and carefully removed the sunglasses from her face and as she did some of her blonde hair fell and covered her eyes. She brushed her hair back and tucked it neatly behind her ear. Her eyes were blue and shining like pearls in aqua blue water. She wore a green cap and her ponytail stuck out of the hole in the back of the cap. Her Red Plaid shirt hung loosely over her white shirt underneath. It was unbuttoned flapping gently in the light breeze and her shirt underneath had words that could not be made out as you only saw glimpses and pieces of it. She let out a deep sigh and hooked her thumbs in the pockets to her jean shorts that covered half of her tanned thighs revealing the strong tempered muscles of a well rounded dancer. She smiled and looked at us all individually then our leader asked her to dance as we let her know what the father had to say about her. She covered her face with her hat and released her emotions into it and looked up and raised and eyes brow and was like “Really?” Our leaders said “Yes just move to the music and let him tell you what he wants you to hear.

She began to sway back and forth first little movements “The Winds of Change… they are blowing, go and try out that new kite I bought you” then her arms swirled around her body and her movements were fluid and smooth. She swung her hips and spun in a circle as she stood on her tip toes and moved around “You are Beautiful!” a little hop here and a little hop there. “Don’t hide anything” A Jump and then a whip of her torso “Let it all out just be you!” A jump in the air and then a few quick steps “Show the world who you are, they are waiting for you” Now tears formed and dropped from her eyes and as she whipped he upper body in a smooth circle a tear flew through the air and caught a ray of sunlight, flashed, and then fell to the ground. She wiped off her shoulders and violently wiped off her knees as if removing a burden that had weighed her down for far to long. All who watched this spectacle it was if their breath had been stolen from them. No one moved they just watched as this moment unfolded before their very eyes. “Andrea don’t hold anything back just let us see you!” She jumped now as a smile light her face and laughter mixed in with her silent tears. Now there was not planned moves. She just bounded back and forth using as much energy as she could muster to get rid of the electricity that now filled her body. “Let us see you” She jumped back and forth her movement now released joy into the air. “Im Trying” she laughed now smiling from ear to ear. She jumped ,whirled, twirled, and danced all over the place now her breathing quickened as every muscle in her body tensed up. You could tell this is what it looked like to be free. Not a care in the world just running back and forth in a pure ecstasy of joy.

The moment felt right the atmosphere was so amazing. In this moment my focus was no longer on Andreal but my affection was turned towards God. The freedom of the moment was more then I had ever experienced before. I felt like laughing and crying, shouting, and dancing. The pureness I felt, the reality I was experiencing was like nothing I had ever even felt before. It was so good. The transparency of Andrea running back and forth on the edge side of the pool sharing her heart was enough to make anyone even with the hardest of hearts to melt and turn towards the Creator. Everyone stood with eyes turned towards heaven everyone smiled and took in the moment. Tears fell down our cheeks and then she was still. She stood on the edge of the pool her heart rejoicing and her silent tears fell to the ground. “Andrea I See You, Your beautiful, You make so many people happy, what you have inside of you is meant for everyone, you don’t Reflect the sun because you have a sun inside of you, you are going to show everyone the fun side of the Kingdom you know how to party, your real, thank you so much!” We all stood there in silence she looked at everyone her eyes piercing, I held her gaze and smiled and her heart smiled at me. She was now so happy a completely different person then the one who had stood before us just moments ago. Then after looking everyone in the eye she turned and walked off with a brand knew outlook on life of who she was and where she was going.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I Dreamed a Dream

The wind was whistling in my ears. My hair was pushed back over the top of my head. My chest tightened I was falling. The air smelt crisp it was cool morning. Drops of water formed on my face as I passed through the clouds full of humidity. I was 20,000 km above the ground and I was falling but not fast. I was falling like a piece of paper tossed off a high skyscraper. I guess I wasn’t falling but I was drifting.

I looked behind me and Gus was close behind. Wearing that smile that always cracked me up. His eyes twinkled with a playfulness and he laughed and yelled oh herrow! He was wearing a sweater and his ball cap and he had a small black back pack on with his skateboard held in between the straps. His brown hair waved as the wind played with it. His blue jeans had holes in them and he wore his skater shoes.

I looked back to below me and I could see everything. From the different layers of clouds to the felids far below. Tiny houses scattered around in the fields made it look like a child’s play mat. I felt no fear as I drifted through the air, just peace. Weird I know but that’s how it felt. I laughed now I realized both of us did not have parachutes but yet again I felt now fear. Sploosh !! I shot through a very heavy precipitated cloud my clothes now soaked dripped with water. I look back behind me and Gus was still there, the only difference now he was soak as well. Yet his smile remained the same almost as if he had done this before.

I looked to my right and a dark cloud was now forming maybe about 1000 km below. It was almost to dark. Dark like the ones that bring summer thunder storms. It was forming so fast I could watch it grow bigger and bigger with my naked eye. They crazy thing was we were falling straight for it. Down, Down, Down we went and pretty soon we were right by it. The cloud was huge and just as we passed near the cloud CRACK a huge lightning bolt shot forth from the cloud. The bolt was like nothing I had ever seen before and it was incredible. It was a blue blot of lightning and flames were coming off of the bolt. Blue flames. It was super crazy and intense. The bolt of lightning didn’t make me jump, but it awakened something inside of me. It seemed to have jumped started every single cell in my body.

We kept falling down past the dark cloud and we began to get closer to layers of white puffy clouds. Whoof ! We passed through one. Swoosh! Another. Poof we past through another. We kept falling and falling down through layers of clouds. The only thing I could see now was white and then a quick burst of the blue sky around me and then white then blue then white then blue . White blue, white blue, white blue. It seem like those old fashion show reels except the only two slides were white and blue. Then Bam. My eyes teared up for a second and then cleared. There were no more clouds expect one way down below us. I could finally see again. The fields were closer now but still quite a ways off. The blue sky flaunted its color like new jacket and the sun just shone loosing rays of light through the atmosphere into the felids down below.

The last cloud was approaching rather quickly now. Closer and closer. I looked at it and it was defiantly different then every other cloud we had passed through. It looked like there were crops growing on the cloud but I couldn’t be certain. I thought we would pass through it just like we had every other cloud but we kept drifting down and then boing!!! I landed on it and was surprised at the cushiness I bounced up in the air once and then came to rest rather safely on the cloud. I looked around for Gus then I remembered he was still behind me and the moment I looked up there he was, and with that he fell into the cloud. Just like me he bounced once and then came to rest on the cloud. I stood now feeling a little uncomfortable at the fact I was standing on a cloud. Gus didn’t seem to mind though he just stood and bounded off a couple feet away. Yup they were crops alright, weird… they were planted in what looked like dirt and they were many different varieties of crops. I saw grain, wheat, canola, even some corn. I looked back over at Gus and he was on his hands and knees. Looking closely at they ground. With his face near the dirt he looked back up at me and smiled oh Gus. Then with out warning he pushed his hands down into the dirt and by his face you could tell he was trying to push the dirt away to reveal what was below.

As he tried to clear the dirt his motive was met with a different outcome then he expeced. The cloud separated and opened up revealing the ground below. A piece of the cloud drifted off and we were left to stare at what we now saw in the under part of the cloud. I saw crutches, wheelchairs, and cast just sitting there in the clouds. But ss well as all of the materialistic symbols of suffering I saw written words in the cloud. There were testimonies of people’s healings and it was a sight to behold. I didn’t really know what it meant I just stood there in awe at what I saw. I looked over at Gus and for the first time he didn’t have his regular smile on his face, his mouth was wide open and his eyes were wide. He looked over at me and asked

“Do you know what it means?”

I Dreamed a dream. I had this dream about a month ago and I thought it would be cool to write about. I do have the interpretation for it but I would like to know what you think it means. Feel free to voice your opinions.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


The atmosphere was one of complete celebration. There were tears of laughter and tears of joy. Yells and shouts as friends ran and hugged each other. It was a day of celebration, a day of victory for the king, and a day of fear and terror for the enemy. It was the day of knighting. A long line of warriors ran down the isles of the Church, and the onlookers watched the spectacle. A name was read and a man or woman approached the throne. How could a women be knighted. Well this is no ordinary kingdom… Names were read off the lists and the men and women took their places. Their walk was one of remembrance, and with each step that they took memories flashed through their minds of everything that had brought them to this moment. What they had given up, what they had sacrificed. Who they had left. What they had come expecting. What they had gained from this experience, and what they were now leaving with! Finally before the Throne they knelt, as the King stood He grabbed a giant scabbard that leaned against the arm of His chair. With His other hand He reached across His torso and pulled the sword from its sheath. As the blade left its case. A ringing sound of metal upon metal shot forth, and like the shrill cry of the eagle it echoed in the vast arches of the church, and penetrated the hearts of all who stood before the king. A wave of light exploded out from the sword and knocked all who were present to their knees. Everyone now bowed, the King walked down to meet those who were kneeling at the front of the throne. He started on the right there must have been 20 or thirty kneeling in a line before him, and just before the sword fell to the shoulder of the first man His voice shook the room as He spoke.

“Be loyal of hand and of mouth, seeking to serve all who come before you as best as you can. Seek the fellowship of good people, listen to their words and remember them. Be humble and courteous wherever you go. Don’t speak to much, but don’t be quiet either. Allow no one to suffer be it men, women, or children, and if you need to lift a hand to help them then do so. If you must draw your sword to defend them then do so, even unto your own death. For greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. If you come into fellowship with anyone who speaks disrespectfully to others or of Me, let them know in gracious words that this displeases you, as it displeases Me. Then depart from their company. You are to defend and protect all who seek to worship Me and promote faith in Me throughout the earth that I have made. “

His voice carried throughout the entire room, and not only did it shake the walls but the softness of His voice spoke to your soul as well. To an outsider it would seem as if he was yelling. But to everyone kneeling in the room, it was as if He was right beside you whispering the most sacred of secrets into you ear. If you paid enough attention you could almost feel the air from His breathe tickling your ears. After the echoes subsided from the room His sword fell first on the right shoulder and then on the left. One of the first of many the man on the far right jumped to his feet and Shouted

“Happy am I, the one who serves the king”

Two more, then three more people stood to their feet. All of their reactions where different. One lady jumped to her feet and then fell over as laughter shook her body. An older man stood to his feet and turned and the look on his face showed he had some sort of mission to complete. Some cried, some laughed, and other just walked away full of peace. But then He came to me. My head was bowed and I was looking at the ground and His sandals came into view. I could see the nail marks in His feet. The hem of HIs robe was golden and His garment was that of a pure white. A golden cord wrapped around His waist shone like the brilliance of the sun. His face kind and gentle looked at me, and I stared into His deep blue eyes and my soul melted inside of me. This was the King who I was pledging allegiance to. A King who rules with grace and mercy and love. Whose rules are only rules of kindness, and fairness, and justice. He empowers all who feel powerless and He gives authority to all who choose to fallow him. I looked deep into His eyes and all I could see was the love that He had for me; such an overwhelming love. The sword fell to my right shoulder and nearly knocked me to the ground so thick was His presence in the room. Then the sword went over my head and to my left shoulder and as it did gold dust fell all over my body, enveloping me in a curtain of light. Then the blade touched my left shoulder and as it left I felt every burden and weight leave my body. I knew they had been severed because they had not been mine to carry in the first place. No matter how deep they were or how much I had let them weigh me down they had no effect any more. I looked back into His eyes and a tear was falling down His cheek, but His face wrinkled up as His smile bunched up His face. He flashed His white teeth and then winked at me, and moved over to the next person. As I knelt there on the floor even though He had moved on I heard His voice in my head.

“Travis ,oh bold and compassionate one. Your identity is the very reflection of who you believe I say you are. You must know that I think very highly of you and so you must as well. Don’t you know that I boast about you to all the angels in My kingdom? Don’t you know that you’re reputation has already been establishes in heaven, hell, and on earth? Did you know you have more power then you realize? Did you know you have everything you need to get the Job done? I have equipped you and given you everything. For I have held nothing back. Go now and wreak havoc on the kingdom of darkness because nothing brings Me more joy then seeing you set people free. Believe the Bible is what I say it is. You have the power. Go now fearless warrior of God, go and heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. For I am with you even unto to end of this Age. Don’t hold back, don’t hold in the Joy I have given you to give to others, don’t hold back your smile for that alone has the very essence of heaven in it. You are meant to break so many chains and bring so many people back into My kingdom. Go now my son and show the world what I can do through you, because I will show off through you because it is what I do best. I Love you”

All I could do was rest in His presence and then I felt as if something exploded inside of me. Like I finally actually believed everything with my heart and not just with my head. I jumped to my feet and began to dance, and cry, and laugh. Then I smiled; and then I thought (Resting in the presence is nice, but God gave me all these gifts for a reason. Better get to work and go make my Daddy proud) So with that I turned and ran out of the church and began my journey no longer a unbelieving believer, but as a believing believer who is out on a mission. My mission, The Great Commission and I need to co labour with my Father In order to see that mission completed. So here I am ready to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth. But let me ask you this. Do you believe everything God says about you? What do you Believe God says about you? If you think God doesn’t’t have good thoughts about you I’d invite you to reconsider. Check the bible I bet there are plenty of promises in there for you! Are you a powerful person or do you seek power? Let me tell you one thing. You don’t have to believe in yourself because God already believes in you, its just when you believe in yourself as well the Job gets a whole lot easier. Oh! And one more thing enjoy the journey have fun with God, because God is in a mood! and he wants to have fun with you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


What is trust? I was just thinking the other day and realized that even if you don’t realize it we put a lot of trust in people around us and in the stuff in our life.

The dictionary defines trust as this; to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on to believe or to hope If your reading this right now saying what-ever I don’t have trust in anybody or hope in anything. Well allow me to prove you wrong.

If your reading this on your computer you probably had to plug your computer into the wall. The second you put the plug into the socket you expected something. You trusted that electricity would flow through the wires and into your computer. If your reading this at the airport or on the go your probably trusting on your battery to be working and your computer not to crash. You might have a glass of water with you beside your computer to drink while you surf the web. How do you know its not poisoned? I highly doubt you did a ph test on the water that your drinking! Cool how you trust that the water is safe, how you trust in the water treatment plant and pipes to get the H2O to your cup. I might guess as well that you probably drove a motor vehicle sometime today. Weather a car, a truck, or even a motorcycle you trusted in many things. You trusted that your garage door would open the second you hit the red button. You trusted that you would hear a familiar purring sound the second you turned the key in your vehicle. How did you know there wasn’t a car bomb on the bottom of your vehicle? Well you trusted that your security alarm works and that since you didn’t hear anything last night while you slept everything is ok. You trusted in your brakes on the road all day long. That the second you hit the pedal you trusted that the mechanical and electrical systems were all in tact to bring you safely to a stop. You trusted in the lights turning and changing colours to help direct traffic as you drove around town. You might have put your card into the debit machine today and withdrawn money how do you know your bank hasn’t recently embezzled your money.

I TRUST your beginning to get the idea. I could do this all day.

You go to the restaurant and order food and drink how do you know its safe? You click the power button on the remote to your TV how do you know its going to turn on? You flick the light to your light switch how do you know that your eyes are soon going to be met with a bulb doing its best to imitate the sun? You climb the steps to your office at work how do you know all the bolts are going to hold? You sit down on your chair how do you know the legs aren’t going to break? You are sitting in a house right now how do you know that the roof isn’t going to cave in? You flip open your cell phone how do you know your going to be able to call whoever you are trying to reach? You go to the butchers to get some meat, how do you know he isn’t going to stab you with that knife that he is holding? You call 911 how do you know someone’s going to be on the other end of the line. It all points to trust. Weather you realize it or not you do have trust and or confidence in many things.

The thing that struck me while I was writing this the most was how much trust we place on appliances and electronic things, but how little trust we place on the people involved in our lives. If you look at society today everyone is very interdependent or at least I know I am. I like depending on myself not really opening the door to trust in others and I think that it is a major problem.

There are 2 verses in psalms that I would like to refer to that offer a great opinion on this matter. There verses are psalms 18:2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. The other verse is psalms 25:2 in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.

It is my opinion that this is what trust is supposed to look like and how it should work. The more we trust in others the more of a fortress we build around ourselves. The more we trust the more protection we will receive. The more we trust and the more we begin to rely on others the greater our strength through unity becomes and the less ashamed we feel because those around us make us feel greater and stronger. Finally if you let trust be your guide, in the presence of trust there is no room for fear. With trust fear has no home and with trust as your guide your life will change with all your victories and your failures. Through your failures you will grow and through your victories you will become stronger So today I challenge you to trust, I dare you to trust and in that trust step out and let your Life shine!!!!!