Friday, October 1, 2010

This is what Honor is!

Centuries ago, honor meant standing up and fighting for what was right no matter the cost.

Honor meant openly defying tyrannical oppression and defending, sometimes violently, the cause of righteousness and truth despite the oppression that
vehemently came their way.

Honor meant being willing to confront someone, unafraid of consequences, because that person was harming someone innocent.

That is honor.

Religion today teaches that "honor" is just blind, dumb submission that doesn't ask questions.

Religion today teaches that "honor" is obedience to what man says, ignoring what God has already said.

Religion today teaches that "honor" is not correcting anybody, not standing up and saying that certain messages or teachings are wrong, all for the sake of "love" and "unity".

I would propose to you all that is all a lie from the pit of hell.

The Bible calls that "fear of man", "people pleasing", "ear tickling", and "flattery".

HONOR is to do to others what you would have them do to you.
HONOR is to fight for what is RIGHT, and GOOD, and TRUE despite the cost and despite all of the slanderous accusations and lies that will be railed at you for doing so.

"He has honor if he holds himself to a [righteous] ideal of conduct thought it is inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so." - Walter Lippman

"Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong." - Thomas Jefferson

I would add that it is not honoring to sit idly by when you know that something is being spread or taught that is not in alignment with the teachings of Christ.

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." - Edward Burke

It IS honoring to ask questions. It IS honoring to confront error. It IS honoring and it IS loving to stand up for Truth because that is precisely what Jesus and the apostles and so many martyrs throughout the ages have done and they have given their last breath to stand for righteousness and the finished work of the cross.

How "honoring" were the apostles in Acts 4:18-20 and Acts 5:29 when they boldly and brazenly refused to "submit to leadership" or "honor the leaders"?

How "honoring" was Jesus when He called the leaders of His day "sons of the devil" for how much man-made tradition they were teaching and loading down God's people with?

How "honoring" was Paul when he said if anybody taught a gospel contrary to the one he taught, that they should be eternally condemned? (Gal. 1:1-10)

"The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind,To set at liberty those who are oppressed;To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” - Luke 4:18-19

Honor is setting the oppressed free and bringing good news to those who have been downtrodden and heavy-laden.

THAT is honor.

Anything less falls miserably short of what God ever designed "honor" to be.

~Ryan James Rhodes~

Setting the Captives FREE!

The tires of the old beat pick up truck scrunched gravel as he turned off the highway onto the gravel road. It had been a long time since Dennis had seen his brother. He looked down at the fuzzy green numbers on the dashboard. 11:32 it was later then he had expected to arrive. The events of the day went through his head. Missing his alarm waking up to realize he was already late, the flat tire, and the heavy traffic had all accounted for his very late arrival. He rubbed his fine scratchy beard and then wiped his tired eyes. He blinked and look back at the road. Screech his tires churned up gravel as he braked hard to let four deer run across the road. They didn’t have that in the city. He pressed the gas and continued onward.

He was supposed to have arrived at 5:00 this would be a hard one to explain to his brother. Talk about getting off on the wrong foot. It had been 3 years since he had seen or even talked to his brother. 2 years he had been serviced in the army and now he was back but for a whole year he had been back and not even done so much as even call. His mind turned wandered and he breathed in and let out his breathe with a sigh. Almost there. Another left turn. His mind replayed the conversation he had had with his brother only days ago.

“You want me to come and visit?”

"Ya why not? I haven’t seen you in ages it would be great to catch up. Terry and Shyla are so big now I’m sure they would love to see you, and you haven’t even met Zach yet, plus Emily would love to see you again.

“Well in kinda busy you know with work and everything”

“C’mon come check out the new place, the farm we can go for a walk down by the river just you and me it will be like old times back when we were kids. Playing out on the farm”

“Well I guess I could make it down on Saturday spend the night “

“Great, looking forward to seeing you again”

“Ya sure. Cya later bye”


Short and sweet just like Jesse always liked it he never was very good at communicating it’s a wonder he was even married thought Dennis. He replayed the events that had taken place all the way to his brothers wedding, Emily practically chased his down she had done most of the work the only thing Jesse had done was ask one Question Will you marry me. But they were happy and that’s all that mattered.

The GPS chimed in “Arriving at destination on left” he clicked the power button, the only thought that went through his mind was need to change the voice on the GPS so annoying. He slowly pulled up onto the driveway. “So this is the new house” he thought. He looked it over. Two bikes lay in front of the porch a small trailer house surrounded by plenty of land. Dennis was sure the only reason Jesse had ever bought the place was because it reminded him of the farm that they grew up on. He turned the Truck off and slouched back into the drivers seat. He noticed all the lights in the house were on. He asked himself why this late at night would all the nights be on. He shrugged the thought from his memory took a long breathe and pulled the handle and pushed open the door of the truck. He stepped out of the truck and closed the door. He made his way up the front steps of the porch and was about to knock when he noticed that the door was open . Something wasn't right he thought Jesse would never leave his door open.

He thought back to his younger days with his little brother. He had always been a perfectionist. Never leaving anything unchecked. Instantly an alarm went of in Dennis’ mind. He didn’t know why but he felt sick in his stomach. He had always been regarded for his gut instinct back in the army. He hadn't felt like this in a long time. But now the feeling was back. A feeling he hadn’t felt in over a year. He reached up and rubbed his shoulder a bullet wound he had taken on his first assignment when he didn’t canvas an old alley way properly he had paid for it with a bullet one that had very nearly taken his life. It only had ever flared up when something felt really out of place when something was terribly wrong.


Dennis jumped his heart raced as this gruff hoarse voice pierced the quiet night


He didn’t recognize the voice but he did recognize the voice that fallowed

“I don’t know what you talking about” it was his brother, his voice was a little deeper from when he had last heard it

“The blueprints to the safe house, I know you were the one in charge of the project”

“Whaa… I.. I don’t know what you are talking about” he stammered

Instantly Dennis’ army training kicked in, he had to find out what was going on.

“Tell Me NOW!” he heard the voice yell as he booked it around the corner of the house. He saw light coming from one of the windows. Fortunately the blinds were down it would be a little easier to look in and not be seen, He slowly moved closer to the sill of the window and peered though the small opening in the side. The scene that met Dennis’ eyes was one that he had never thought would come to his bothers small house.

A man dressed in completely black held a black .44 magnum. Dennis’ thought quickly processed the capabilities of the Gun. 8-3/8-in. barrel, 5 charge holes for 5 bullets that could pack a hell of a punch 900 ft.-lb of punch. The five pound gun fully loaded capable of blowing a man to pieces. Dennis fallowed the line of the muzzle of the gun found it pointed directly at the head of a younger man. He knew that there was no chance for Jesse, if that gun went off then he was a goner.

“TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE” the man screamed. A baby cried Dennis looked at a young woman with long brown hair. Her face was stained with tears as she tried to comfort the child. That must be Zach crying Dennis thought.


Two kids held onto Emily one on each leg their eyes wide but they were quiet because of fear. Jesse’s shirt was stained with sweat as adrenaline perspired his entire body his light blue shirt was dark around the chest and under the arms.

“I don’t know what your talking about, please… please put the gun down.”

Dennis turned from the window the only thought going through his head was “got to help, got to save them” he ran back to his truck trying to be as quiet as he could. He rounded the corner of the house and slipped on some loose gravel. He landed on his side and groaned as he got up. With bloody hands he pulled on the lever to the door and flung it open. He grappled for the case under the seat. it’s the only gun he had ever kept after being released from the Army and that was because it had saved his life numerous time. He never thought he would never use it again .

He flipped open the snaps and lifted the top of the case. He grabbed the gun and held it in his hand. His fingers closed firmly over the grip of the gun well worn from its use. It felt custom fitted. The M9 Beretta standard army sidearm. Smaller, faster and lighter then any old powerful gun. Semi automatic capable of firing off 15 rounds from its clip in a moments notice. The gun felt familiar in his hand. Dennis didn’t even have to think as he reached for the bullets in the case He grabbed two one to break the window and one to take out the gunman. He quickly discharged the clip and slipped the 2 bullets into the magazine his mind processed what he was going to do. In another smooth motion he shoved the clip up into the gun the familiar click of metal on metal told him the magazine was in and he cocked back the gun and then turned back towards the house.

He stepped quickly careful not to slip on the gravel and rounded the corner of the house. The gunman’s voice broke the silence of the night again.

“Ille give you one last chance tell me what you know or ille shoot the woman”

Dennis made it to the window and saw as the gunman shifted his position the gun now pointed at Emily.

“If you don’t tell me what I want to know then bye bye wifely.” He grinned as he said this like it was sick joke. The man licked his lips

“No no please you can‘t please please please" Jesse Pleaded and fell to his knees


“I don’t know what your talking about I swear“


Dennis could tell things were escalating he quietly lifted his gun and lined up his sights on the gun man.


Dennis breathed in deeply , studied himself, shifted his fingers a little and then put his finger on the trigger


Right before the gunman could get out another word Jesse lunged at the man but his wild antics to save his family were no match for the gunman’s training and technique . The gunman grabbed Jesse right arm with his left and pulled him in, as he did his right arm hooked around his back in in one smooth motion tossed him into the air and flipped him over his back and onto the floor. With the butt end of his handgun he bent down and smacked him on the side of his head cutting open of his forehead. Blood oozed out of the wound on his head. The gunman reached down and grabbed the collar of Jesse’s shirt pulled him up and in a violent move slammed him back onto the floor. His head whipped back and a thud was heard as his head smacked the hardwood floor. The gunman stood up and placed both hands on the handle of his gun and centered the barrel on Jesse’s chest.


The Glass shattered. And flew everywhere as the window exploded. Dennis’ arm stayed tight his breathing stayed calm and his eyes stayed focused on the target

The moment the glass shattered the gun man looked up at the unexpected commotion straight into the eyes of Dennis. Dennis pulled the trigger


The shot was accurate and precise, his years of training had not gone to waste. A drop of blood trickled from the forehead of the gunman. Dennis kept his eyes fixed on the man. He held his gaze for a second. The Gunman swayed like a mighty tree that had just been stuck its final blow and then the man fell forward and his body landed with a resounding THUD

Dennis looked to where the wife and Kids were huddled in the corner he looked at Terry, and Shyla and then at Emily who had Zach tightly clenched in her arms. He smiled and then turned and ran for the front door. He made his way around the corner of the house. Jumped the steps leading up onto the porch pushed through the front door and ran into the living room. Emily had already moved to Where Jesse’s body lay his head was laying in her lap. Shyla had Zach in her arms and terry was clinging closely to Emily. Emily looked up and smiled.

“Thank you” was all she could manage and then she put her hand on his chest which Dennis noticed was rising and falling

“He’s alive”

Dennis got down on his knee’s grabbed his brothers hand and squeezed it tightly. He reached into his pocket grabbed his phone flipped it open and dialled three number. 9 1 1. He put the phone to his ear. Looked at Emily smiled again and said

“Glad I could help”